GROUP Variable

Positions graphics elements on the bars of a vertical or horizontal bar chart drawn using the GROUP= option in the GCHART procedure.
Type: Numeric or character; must match the type of the GROUP= variable used in the GCHART procedure.
Length: Should match the length of GROUP= variable in the GCHART procedure.
Default: none
Restriction: Used only with vertical or horizontal bar charts produced by the GCHART procedure.



Variable Values

references value(s) of the variable that is identified by the GROUP= option in the GCHART procedure either as a variable name or as an explicit data value. Group-value can be one of the following:
the name of a group variable.
a specific numeric data value.
a specific character data value.
To annotate all the bars in a horizontal or vertical bar chart, specify a variable name. To annotate a bar chart for a specific value of the GROUP variable, specify a specific value.


Using the GROUP Variable

Using the GROUP variable is similar to using the X and Y variables with data system coordinates to position graphics elements in a vertical or horizontal bar chart.
Using the GROUP Variable to Position a Label in a Bar Chart shows how the GROUP variable works with the SUBGROUP and MIDPOINT variables to label the bars of a vertical bar chart.
Using the GROUP Variable to Position a Label in a Bar Chart
Using the GROUP Variable to Position a Label in a Bar Chart
The label showing the number of units that were sold in Dallas in the year 1997 is positioned by the values that are assigned to these Annotate variables:
  • GROUP=YEAR (where YEAR is a variable in the GCHART data set)
  • MIDPOINT=CITY (where CITY is a variable in the GCHART data set)
  • SUBGROUP=ITEM (where ITEM is a variable in the GCHART data set).


You can use the GROUP variable only with the data coordinate systems 1, 2, 7, and 8, and with these functions: