Specifies a graphics command or programming function for the Annotate facility to perform.
Type: character
Length: 8
Default: LABEL



Variable Values

specifies the name of an Annotate function. The function-name value can be any of the following.
BAR draws and fills a rectangle (optional).
CNTL2TXT, DRAW2TXT copies (XLAST, YLAST) to (XLSTT, YLSTT), overwriting the previous values of (XLSTT, YLSTT).
COMMENT places comments in your data set. The observation is ignored when the data set is processed.
DEBUG writes the values of all Annotate variables to the SAS log before and after the next observation.
DRAW draws a line in the graphics output.
FRAME draws a border around the area defined by XSYS and YSYS and specifies a background color for the framed area .
IMAGE displays an image in the graphics output from the current (X,Y) coordinates to the coordinates that are associated with the IMGPATH variable.
LABEL draws text and is the default for the FUNCTION variable.
MOVE moves to the specified point (does not draw a line).
PIE draws a pie slice, arc, or circle that can be filled.
PIECNTR sets new center and radius values. The PIEXY function can use this information in a later observation.
PIEXY returns the coordinates of a point on a pie slice. Other functions can use this information in a later observation.
POINT draws a point.
POLY begins drawing a polygon (first vertex). Use the POLYCONT function in successive observations to supply the remaining vertices.
POLYCONT continues drawing a polygon.
POP gets values from the LIFO stack and changes the current value of (XLAST, YLAST) and (XLSTT, YLSTT) to those values.
PUSH puts the current values for (XLAST, YLAST) and (XLSTT, YLSTT) in the LIFO stack.
SWAP exchanges the values of (XLAST, YLAST) and (XLSTT, YLSTT).
SYMBOL draws a symbol.
TXT2CNTL copies the values (XLSTT, YLSTT) to (XLAST, YLAST), overwriting the previous values of (XLAST, YLAST).
For a list of the symbols that can be used with the SYMBOL variable, see Special Symbols for Plotting Data Points.
All other variables in the observation that contain the function act as parameters for the action. For a detailed description of each function and the Annotate variables that can be used in conjunction with it, see About the Annotate Functions.