IS MISSING Predicate

Tests for a SAS missing value in a SAS native data store.


expression IS [NOT] MISSING



specifies any valid SQL expression.

See <sql-expression>
FedSQL Expressions


IS MISSING is a predicate that tests for a SAS missing value. IS MISSING is used in the WHERE, ON, and HAVING clauses. The IS MISSING predicate resolves to true if the result of the SQL expression is a SAS missing value and resolves to false if it is not a SAS missing value.
The IS MISSING predicate is valid only in use with SAS native data stores. Only DOUBLE and CHAR data types support missing values.


The IS NULL predicate tests for null values.


select *
    from worldcitycoords 
      where city is missing;
SAS creates the following table:
IS MISSING Example Output Table
IS MISSING Example Output Table

See Also

<search-condition> in the SELECT Statement
Last updated: February 23, 2017