This example shows how to read data from a Quandl superset by using the Quandl code TAMMER1/6KY to retrieve oil, gold, and stock prices. This superset is described at the following URL: .
There are three superset columns (Oil, Gold, and S&P500), taken from three different Quandl data sets: DOE/_RWTC, BBK01/_WT5511, and YAHOO/_INDEX_GSPC, respectively. Because the Oil, Gold, and S&P500 columns are all from a daily native frequency data set, you can use the collapse frequency "Annual" to minimize the missing values in the output. In the following example, specify a range by using START='1961-12-31' and END='2014-03-27', and specify a collapse frequency by using COLLAPSE=ANNUAL. The output is shown in Output 43.7.1.
options validvarname=any; title 'TAMMER1/6KY Superset with Multiple Time Series Using the COLLAPSE= Option'; libname _all_ clear; libname mylib "U:\quan950\doc\"; libname myTAM sasequan "%sysget(QUANDL)" apikey='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' idlist='TAMMER1/6KY' format=XML outXml=superT automap=replace mapref=MyMap xmlmap="%sysget(QUANDL)" start='1961-12-31' end='2014-03-27' collapse=annual ; data mylib.superT; set myTAM.superT; run;
proc contents data=mylib.superT; run; proc print data=mylib.superT; run;
Output 43.7.1: Quandl Superset for Multiple Time Series (Oil, Gold, and Stocks) Using COLLAPSE= Option
TAMMER1/6KY Superset with Multiple Time Series Using the COLLAPSE= Option |
Obs | date | Oil | Gold | S&P500 |
1 | 1961-12-31 | . | . | 71.55 |
2 | 1962-12-31 | . | . | 63.10 |
3 | 1963-12-31 | . | . | 75.02 |
4 | 1964-12-31 | . | . | 84.75 |
5 | 1965-12-31 | . | . | 92.43 |
6 | 1966-12-31 | . | . | 80.33 |
7 | 1967-12-31 | . | . | 96.47 |
8 | 1968-12-31 | . | 41.95 | 103.86 |
9 | 1969-12-31 | . | 35.21 | 92.06 |
10 | 1970-12-31 | . | 37.38 | 92.15 |
11 | 1971-12-31 | . | 43.64 | 102.09 |
12 | 1972-12-31 | . | 64.70 | 118.05 |
13 | 1973-12-31 | . | 112.25 | 97.55 |
14 | 1974-12-31 | . | 187.50 | 68.56 |
15 | 1975-12-31 | . | 140.25 | 90.19 |
16 | 1976-12-31 | . | 134.55 | 107.46 |
17 | 1977-12-31 | . | 165.60 | 95.10 |
18 | 1978-12-31 | . | 224.50 | 96.11 |
19 | 1979-12-31 | . | 524.00 | 107.94 |
20 | 1980-12-31 | . | 589.50 | 135.76 |
21 | 1981-12-31 | . | 400.00 | 122.55 |
22 | 1982-12-31 | . | 448.00 | 140.64 |
23 | 1983-12-31 | . | 381.50 | 164.93 |
24 | 1984-12-31 | . | 309.00 | 167.24 |
25 | 1985-12-31 | . | 327.00 | 211.28 |
26 | 1986-12-31 | 17.93 | 390.90 | 242.17 |
27 | 1987-12-31 | 16.74 | 486.50 | 247.08 |
28 | 1988-12-31 | 17.12 | 410.15 | 277.72 |
29 | 1989-12-31 | 21.84 | 401.00 | 353.40 |
30 | 1990-12-31 | 28.48 | 391.00 | 330.22 |
31 | 1991-12-31 | 19.15 | 353.40 | 417.09 |
32 | 1992-12-31 | 19.49 | 332.90 | 435.71 |
33 | 1993-12-31 | 14.19 | 390.65 | 466.45 |
34 | 1994-12-31 | 17.77 | 382.50 | 459.27 |
35 | 1995-12-31 | 19.54 | 386.70 | 615.93 |
36 | 1996-12-31 | 25.90 | 369.55 | 740.74 |
37 | 1997-12-31 | 17.65 | 289.20 | 970.43 |
38 | 1998-12-31 | 12.14 | 287.45 | 1229.23 |
39 | 1999-12-31 | 25.76 | 290.85 | 1469.25 |
40 | 2000-12-31 | 26.72 | 272.65 | 1320.28 |
41 | 2001-12-31 | 19.96 | 276.50 | 1148.08 |
42 | 2002-12-31 | 31.21 | 342.75 | 879.82 |
43 | 2003-12-31 | 32.51 | 417.25 | 1111.92 |
44 | 2004-12-31 | 43.36 | 438.00 | 1211.92 |
45 | 2005-12-31 | 61.06 | 513.00 | 1248.29 |
46 | 2006-12-31 | 60.85 | 635.70 | 1418.30 |
47 | 2007-12-31 | 95.95 | 836.50 | 1468.36 |
48 | 2008-12-31 | 44.60 | 865.00 | 903.25 |
49 | 2009-12-31 | 79.39 | 1104.00 | 1115.10 |
50 | 2010-12-31 | 91.38 | 1410.25 | 1257.64 |
51 | 2011-12-31 | 98.83 | 1574.50 | 1257.60 |
52 | 2012-12-31 | 91.83 | 1664.00 | 1426.19 |
53 | 2013-12-31 | 98.17 | 1201.50 | 1848.36 |
54 | 2014-12-31 | 104.05 | 1299.00 | 1864.85 |