OUTTDR= Data Set

The trading-day regression results (tables B15 and C15) are written to the OUTTDR= data set, which contains the following variables:

  • VARNAME, a character variable containing the name of the VAR variable being processed

  • TABLE, a character variable containing the name of the table. It can have only the value B15 (Preliminary Trading-Day Regression) or C15 (Final Trading-Day Regression).

  • _TYPE_, a character variable whose value distinguishes the three distinct table format types. These types are (a) the regression, (b) the listing of the standard error associated with length-of-month, and (c) the analysis of variance. The first seven observations in the OUTTDR data set correspond to the regression on days of the week; thus the _TYPE_ variable is given the value "REGRESS" (day-of-week regression coefficient). The next four observations correspond to 31-, 30-, 29-, and 28-day months and are given the value _TYPE_=LOM_STD (length-of-month standard errors). Finally, the last three observations correspond to the analysis of variance table, and _TYPE_=ANOVA.

  • PARM, a character variable, further identifying the nature of the observation. PARM is set to blank for the three _TYPE_=ANOVA observations.

  • SOURCE, a character variable containing the source in the regression. This variable is missing for all _TYPE_=REGRESS and LOM_STD.

  • CWGT, a numeric variable containing the combined trading-day weight (prior weight + weight found from regression). The variable is missing for all _TYPE_=LOM_STD and _TYPE_=ANOVA.

  • PRWGT, a numeric variable containing the prior weight. The prior weight is 1.0 if PDWEIGHTS are not specified. This variable is missing for all _TYPE_=LOM_STD and _TYPE_=ANOVA.

  • COEFF, a numeric variable containing the calculated regression coefficient for the given day. This variable is missing for all _TYPE_=LOM_STD and _TYPE_=ANOVA.

  • STDERR, a numeric variable containing the standard errors. For observations with _TYPE_=REGRESS, this is the standard error corresponding to the regression coefficient. For observations with _TYPE_=LOM_STD, this is standard error for the corresponding length-of-month. This variable is missing for all _TYPE_=ANOVA.

  • T1, a numeric variable containing the t statistic corresponding to the test that the combined weight is different from the prior weight. This variable is missing for all _TYPE_=LOM_STD and _TYPE_=ANOVA.

  • T2, a numeric variable containing the t statistic corresponding to the test that the combined weight is different from 1.0. This variable is missing for all _TYPE_=LOM_STD and _TYPE_=ANOVA.

  • PROBT1, a numeric variable containing the significance level for t statistic T1. The variable is missing for all _TYPE_=LOM_STD and _TYPE_=ANOVA.

  • PROBT2, a numeric variable containing the significance level for t statistic T2. The variable is missing for all _TYPE_=LOM_STD and _TYPE_=ANOVA.

  • SS, a numeric variable containing the sum of squares associated with the corresponding source term. This variable is missing for all _TYPE_=REGRESS and LOM_STD.

  • DF, a numeric variable containing the degrees of freedom associated with the corresponding source term. This variable is missing for all _TYPE_=REGRESS and LOM_STD.

  • MS, a numeric variable containing the mean square associated with the corresponding source term. This variable is missing for the source term 'Total' and for all _TYPE_=REGRESS and LOM_STD.

  • F, a numeric variable containing the F statistic for the 'Regression' source term. The variable is missing for the source terms 'Total' and 'Error', and for all _TYPE_=REGRESS and LOM_STD.

  • PROBF, a numeric variable containing the significance level for the F statistic. This variable is missing for the source term 'Total' and 'Error' and for all _TYPE_=REGRESS and LOM_STD.