The binary choice model is
where the value of the latent dependent variable, , is observed only as follows:
The disturbance, , of the probit model has a standard normal distribution with the distribution function (CDF)
The disturbance of the logit model has a standard logistic distribution with the distribution function (CDF)
The binary discrete choice model has the following probability that the event occurs:
For more information, see the section Ordinal Discrete Choice Modeling in SAS/ETS User's Guide.
When the dependent variable is observed in sequence with categories, binary discrete choice modeling is not appropriate for data analysis. McKelvey and Zavoina (1975) propose the ordinal (or ordered) probit model.
Consider the regression equation
where error disturbances, , have the distribution function . The unobserved continuous random variable, , is identified as categories. Suppose there are real numbers, , where , , , and . Define
The probability that the unobserved dependent variable is contained in the th category can be written as
For more information, see the section Ordinal Discrete Choice Modeling in SAS/ETS User's Guide.