The HPPANEL Procedure (Experimental)

Example 7.1 One-Way Random-Effects High-Performance Model

This example shows the use of the one-way random effects model that is available in the HPPANEL procedure with an emphasis on processing a large data set and on the performance improvements that are achieved by executing in a high-performance distributed environment.

The following DATA step generates 5 million replications from a one-way panel data that includes 50,000 cross sections and 100 time periods:

data hppan_ex01 (keep = cs ts y x1-x10);
   retain seed1 55371 seed2 97335 seed3 19412;
   array x[10];
   label y = 'dependent var.';
   label x1='first independent var.';
   label x2='second independent var.';
   label x3='third independent var.';
   int = 1;
   do cs = 1 to 50000;
      dummy = 10000*rannor( seed3 );
      do ts = 1 to 100;
      /*- generate regressors and compute the structural */
      /*- part of the dependent variable                 */
         y = 5;  /* intercept                           */
         do k = 1 to 10;
            x[k] = (cs + ts ) * (0.001*ranuni( k ) + 1) ;
            y = y + x[k] * k;
         /*- add an error term, such that e - N(0,100) -------*/
         y = y + 10000*rannor( seed2 );
         /*- add a random effect, such that e - N(0,100) -------*/
         y = y + dummy;

The model is executed in the distributed computing environment with one thread and only one node. These settings are used to obtain a hypothetical environment that might resemble running the HPPANEL procedure on a desktop workstation with a single-core CPU. To run the following statements successfully, you need to set the macro variables GRIDHOST and GRIDINSTALLLOC to resolve to appropriate values, or you can replace the references to the macro variables in the example with the appropriate values.

    option set=GRIDHOST="&GRIDHOST";
proc hppanel data=hppan_ex01 ranone;
   id  cs ts;
   model y = x1-x10;
   performance nodes = 1 threads = 1 details
                host="&GRIDHOST" install="&GRIDINSTALLLOC";

In Output 7.1.1, the Performance Information table shows that the model was estimated on the grid that is defined in a macro variable named GRIDHOST in a distributed environment on only one node with one thread. The grid install location is defined in a macro variable named GRIDINSTALLLOC.

Output 7.1.1: Grid Information with One Node and One Thread

Performance Information
Host Node << your grid host >>
Install Location << your grid install location >>
Execution Mode Distributed
Grid Mode Symmetric
Number of Compute Nodes 1
Number of Threads per Node 1

Output 7.1.2 shows the results for the one-way random effects model. The Model Information table shows detailed information about the model. The Number of Observations table indicates that all 5 million observations were used to fit the model. All parameter estimates in the Parameter Estimates table are highly significant and correspond to the theoretical values that were set for them during the data generating process. In the Timing table, you can see that for 5 million observations, computing moments took 5706.25 seconds, and the cross-product accumulation took 272.95 seconds.

Output 7.1.2: One-Way Random Effects Model

Model Information
Data Source WORK.HPPAN_EX01
Response Variable y
Variance Component WANSBEEK
Execution Mode Distributed

Fit Statistics
Sum of Squared Error 5.00008E14
Degree of Freedom 4999989
Mean Squared Error 100001811
Root Mean Squared Error 10000
R-Square 0.98318

Variance Component Estimates
Variance Component for Cross Sections 1.0704E8
Variance Component for Error 1.0007E8

Parameter Estimates
Parameter DF Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 1 27.06229 93.06534 0.29 0.7712
x1 1 0.44857 0.51089 0.88 0.3799
x2 1 2.18393 0.51098 4.27 <.0001
x3 1 2.70052 0.51099 5.28 <.0001
x4 1 4.49262 0.51100 8.79 <.0001
x5 1 5.54728 0.51076 10.86 <.0001
x6 1 6.50872 0.51088 12.74 <.0001
x7 1 6.54937 0.51098 12.82 <.0001
x8 1 7.09160 0.51090 13.88 <.0001
x9 1 8.64988 0.51092 16.93 <.0001
x10 1 10.82664 0.51051 21.21 <.0001

Procedure Task Timing
Task Seconds Percent
Data Read and Variable Levelization 2.00 0.03%
Communication to Client 0.00 0.00%
Computing Moments 5706.25 95.40%
Cross-Product Accumulation 272.95 4.56%

In the following statements, the PERFORMANCE statement is modified to request a grid that has 10 nodes, where each node spawns one thread:

proc hppanel data=hppan_ex01 ranone;
   id  cs ts;
   model y = x1-x10;
   performance nodes = 10 threads = 1 details
                host="&GRIDHOST" install="&GRIDINSTALLLOC";

In Output 7.1.3, the Performance Information table shows that the model was estimated on the grid that is defined in a macro variable named GRIDHOST in a distributed environment on 10 nodes with one thread each. The grid install location is defined in a macro variable named GRIDINSTALLLOC.

Output 7.1.3: Grid Information for 10 Nodes with One Thread Each

Performance Information
Host Node << your grid host >>
Install Location << your grid install location >>
Execution Mode Distributed
Grid Mode Symmetric
Number of Compute Nodes 10
Number of Threads per Node 1

Although the two models are identical, estimating the model took only 14 minutes for the second implementation, which was run on a grid that used 10 nodes with one thread each, instead of 1 hour and 40 minutes for the first implementation.

Output 7.1.4: Timing Information for 10 Nodes with One Thread Each

Procedure Task Timing
Task Seconds Percent
Data Read and Variable Levelization 0.48 0.06%
Communication to Client 0.00 0.00%
Computing Moments 784.07 96.34%
Cross-Product Accumulation 29.34 3.60%