The HPPANEL Procedure (Experimental)

One-Way Random-Effects Model

The specification for the one-way random-effects model is

\[  u_{it}={\nu }_{i}+{\epsilon }_{it}  \]

Let $\mb {Z} _{0}=\mr {diag}(\mb {J} _{T_{i}}$), ${\mb {P} _{0}=\mr {diag}({\bar{\mb {J}}}_{T_{i}})}$, and $\mb {Q} _{0}=\mr {diag}(\mb {E} _{T_{i}})$, with ${\bar{\mb {J}}}_{T_{i}}=\mb {J} _{T_{i}}/\mi {T} _{i}$ and ${\mb {E} _{T_{i}}=\mb {I} _{T_{i}}-{\bar{\mb {J}}}_{T_{i}} }$. Define ${\tilde{\mb {X} }_{s}=\mb {Q} _{0}\mb {X} _{s} }$. Also define ${\tilde{\mb {y} }=\mb {Q} _{0}\mb {y} }$ and $\mb {J}$ as a vector of 1s whose length is ${T_{i}}$.

In the one-way model, estimation proceeds in a two-step fashion. First, you obtain estimates of the variance of the ${ {\sigma }^{2}_{{\epsilon } } }$ and ${{\sigma }^2_{{\nu }} }$. There are multiple ways to derive these estimates; PROC HPPANEL provides four options. For more information, see the section One-Way Random-Effects Model in SAS/ETS User's Guide.

After the variance components are calculated from any method, the next task is to estimate the regression model of interest. For each individual, you form a weight ($\theta _\mi {i} $),

\[  \theta _\mi {i} = 1 - \sigma _{\epsilon } / w_\mi {i}  \]
\[  w_{i}^{2} = T_{i}{\sigma }^{2}_{{\nu }} + {\sigma }^{2}_{{\epsilon }}  \]

where $T_{i}$ is the $\emph{i}$th cross section’s time observations.

Taking the $\theta _\mi {i} $, you form the partial deviations,

\[  \tilde{y}_\mi {it} = y_\mi {it}- \theta _\mi {i} \bar{y}_\mi {i \cdot }  \]
\[  \tilde{x}_\mi {it} = x_\mi {it}- \theta _\mi {i} \bar{x}_\mi {i \cdot }  \]

where $\bar{y}_\mi {i \cdot }$ and $\bar{x}_\mi {i \cdot }$ are cross section means of the dependent variable and independent variables (including the constant if any), respectively.

The random-effects $\beta $ is then the result of simple OLS on the transformed data.