The HPCOUNTREG Procedure


PERFORMANCE <performance-options> ;

The PERFORMANCE statement specifies options to control the multithreaded and distributed computing environment and requests detailed results about the performance characteristics of the HPCOUNTREG procedure. You can also use the PERFORMANCE statement to control whether the HPCOUNTREG procedure executes in single-machine or distributed mode. The most commonly used performance-options in the PERFORMANCE statement are as follows:


requests a table that shows a timing breakdown of the procedure steps.


specifies the number of nodes in the distributed computing environment, provided that the data are not processed alongside the database.


specifies the number of threads for analytic computations and overrides the SAS system option THREADS | NOTHREADS. If you do not specify the NTHREADS= option, PROC HPCOUNTREG creates one thread per CPU for the analytic computations.

For more information about the PERFORMANCE statement for high-performance analytical procedures, see the section PERFORMANCE Statement of Chapter 3: Shared Concepts and Topics.