Viewing a Snapshot


You can click View in the Snapshots window to access a read-only view of a selected snapshot in a new browser tab. Because each snapshot records the contents of a SAS Business Data Network instance when it is created, you cannot edit the contents of snapshots.
You can perform the following tasks in a snapshot:
The following display shows a snapshot:
The snapshot label at the top of the snapshot lists the snapshot name and the time and date of its creation.

Search for Terms

You can click Search to access the Search pane in a snapshot. Enter text in the Search field and click Search. The search covers all text fields on the term. These fields contain information such as the name, description, requirements, importance, and status of the term and the values of text attributes.
The following display shows sample search results:
Search Results
Search Results

Filter by Tags

You can click on a tag in the list on the left side of the snapshot to filter the term list by the selected tag.
The following display shows the terms that contain the Business Data Dictionary tag:
Terms Filtered by a Tag
Terms Filtered by a Tag

Review and Export Term Types

You can click Manage Term Types in the Actions menu to see the list of the term types that are contained in the snapshot.
This list is shown in the following display:
Term Types
Term Types
You cannot edit these term types, but you can export them to an XML document.
A portion of a sample XML document is shown in the following display:
Term Type Export
Term Type Export
This export document is stored in a designated place and available to be imported when needed.

Review and Export Terms

You can click items under the Actions button above the terms list to export terms to an XML file or a definition. These documents are stored in a designated place and available to be imported when needed.
You can also select a term in the terms list and click Open in either the menu bar or the Actions button to review it in detail.
The following display shows a detailed view of the A2_AllTypes2 term:
Term Details
Term Details
You can click the Identification, Hierarchy, Notes and Contacts, and History tabs to review the information that they contain. However, you cannot edit the contents of these tabs while you are viewing the snapshot.
You can use the Save As PDF Report item under the Actions button in a detailed term view to save information about the selected term in a PDF document.
Last updated: June 7, 2017