Specifying the Path to the Log


In the SAS Data Integration Studio Job Editor, you have opened a job that includes the Clickstream Log transformation. You want to specify the path to the Web log to be processed.
It is assumed that you are working with a copy of one of the template jobs that are described in Clickstream Templates, or that you have dragged and dropped the Clickstream Log transformation into another job.


Use the File Location tab in the properties window for the Clickstream Log transformation to specify the location of the Web log.


Specify the Path to the Web Log

Perform the following steps to specify the path to the Web log:
  1. Right-click the Clickstream Log transformation. Then select Propertiesthen selectFile Location tab.
  2. Select or type the path to the Web log file. The path must be accessible to the SAS Application Server that executes the job. If you are specify a path, you can use the Preview button to have the SAS Application Server attempt to retrieve the first few lines of the file. This is helpful to validate that you have specified the path correctly.
    You can specify the filename as a path or a SAS macro variable, such as &INPUTFILE. A SAS macro variable might be useful if you use the Clickstream Log transformation in a loop. For loop processing, the current value of the SAS macro variable is used.