Maintaining Log Types


You want to view, add, or update the log type definitions that are used in the Clickstream Log transformation.


You can use the Log Types tab in the properties window for the Clickstream Log transformation. Each row in the table on the Log Types tab represents the metadata for a log type.
specifies whether a log type is enabled for the current transformation. Yes means that the log type is enabled. To enable or disable a log type, double-click the value in this field and use the selection arrow to select a different value.
Note: If you do not plan to process logs in a particular format, then disable the corresponding log type. The Clickstream Log transformation no longer checks for that log type. Disabling unused log types can reduce the time that the transformation spends on detecting the format of a log.
specifies a unique identifier for the log type such as SASTAG or IPLANET. These identifiers are collected in the SAS code that is generated when the Clickstream Log transformation runs.
describes the log type. The default log types are as follows:
  • SAS Tag Data Format (page tagging log from the Clickstream collection server)
  • Sun iPlanet Log Format (iPlanet Netscape)
  • NCSA Common Combined Log Format (CLFE)
  • W3C Extended Log Format (ELF)
    Note: The order in which the log types appear on the Log Types tab is important. It reflects the order that is used to identify the type of the incoming Web log. If an incoming log matches more than one log type, ensure that the more specific comparison is performed first (higher on the list of log types). For example, a Web log that matches the SAS Tag Data format log type also matches the NCSA Common Combined Log Format (CLFE). Accordingly, the SAS Tag Data format is listed first.


Maintain Log Types

To work with the detailed metadata for a log type, select its row on the Log Types tab, and then click an appropriate toolbar option. Alternatively, you can right-click the row for a log type and select an appropriate option from the pop-up menu. Unique options for log types include the following:
Create a new log type
adds a row with default settings for a log type. To update the detailed metadata for the new type, select the new row and use the toolbar or the pop-up menu to select Properties.
Create a copy of the selected log type
copies the metadata for the selected log type and adds the copy to the end of the list. You can then update the copy to create a new log type that is similar to the one you copied. Note that you might want to reorder the log types such that your new log type is recognized first, or disable the log types that you no longer want to process in this job.
displays the detailed metadata for the selected log type. Use this option to view or update attributes for a log type, such as the mapping between input columns from the log and output columns for the current transformation.
Import log types
enables you to select and import an XML file that specifies a set of log types that were exported from the Log Types tab.
Note: Currently, when you import log types, you import all log types that were exported. This might result in duplicate copies of the default log types. Duplicates should be deleted.
Export log types
enables you to export all log types on the Log Types tab to an XML file.
Note: Currently, an export operation exports all log types that are displayed on the Log Types tab, including the default log types.