About the Clickstream Log Transformation

The Clickstream Log transformation reads a clickstream log and checks the format of the log against the log formats or log types that are enabled on the Log Types tab in the properties window for the transformation. If there is a match, the transformation maps the columns from the log to the Clickstream Parse Input Columns and loads an output table with data from the log. This table becomes the input to a Clickstream Parse transformation.
The following display shows the Clickstream Log transformation in one of the template jobs that are provided with the SAS Data Surveyor for Clickstream Data.
Clickstream Log Transformation in the Basic (Single) Web Log Job
First Two Transformations in the Basic (Single) Web Log Job
Typical user tasks for the Clickstream Log transformation include:
  • specifying the physical path to the Web log
  • working with log type definitions
  • adding or modifying user-defined columns
  • setting options for the Clickstream Log transformation