Running the SAS Deployment Wizard

About Running the SAS Deployment Wizard

To run the SAS Deployment Wizard, follow the instructions in Install and Configure SAS Interactively in SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide.
Note: You can run the wizard on operating systems that do not use a windowing environment. For more information, see SAS Deployment Wizard and SAS Deployment Manager: User's Guide at
The type and number of configuration-related pages that you see depend on the prompt level that you choose, the SAS tier that you are currently deploying, and the contents of your SAS 9.4 custom order. The following topics provide information for prompts that are specific to SAS Business Rules Manager. For additional information about any of the SAS Deployment Wizard prompts, see the online Help for the wizard page in question.

Select the SAS Application Server

If you are installing SAS Business Rules Manager as an add-on product and have already defined other SAS application servers, the SAS Deployment Wizard asks you to select which application server you want to use. Select an application server other than SASMETA.

Configure the Database

During deployment of SAS Business Rules Manager on SAS 9.4, the SAS Deployment Wizard creates and configures the database tables in the SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server database by default. This database uses the PostgresSQL database management system.
You can use a third-party database server with SAS 9.4. In SAS 9.4, Oracle is the only other third-party database management system that is supported for the SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server database. For information about which versions of the alternative databases are supported, see Reviewing Third-Party Database Requirements in SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide.
The SAS Deployment Wizard prompts you to enter the information that you gathered when you completed the pre-installation tasks for your database. See Pre-Installation Tasks for SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server and Pre-Installation Tasks for an Oracle Database for more information.
For database-specific information about configuring a database, see SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide.

Create and Load Tables through the SAS Deployment Wizard

If you select SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server as the database type, the database tables are automatically created and loaded during the installation and configuration process for the SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server. The default name for the database is dcmdb.
If you select Oracle as the database type, the Automatically create tables and load data check box in SAS Deployment Wizard is enabled. If you want the SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server database tables to be created and loaded automatically, leave this box selected. If you want to create the tables yourself, then clear the check box, and submit the necessary SQL statements after the wizard finishes running. See Create Oracle Database Tables for more information.