Pre-Installation Tasks for an Oracle Database

About the Oracle Pre-Installation Tasks

If you are using Oracle for your SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server database, perform the following steps before you install SAS Business Rules Manager:

Install the Oracle Database Server

If you are using Oracle for your database, then you must install an Oracle database server. You must install this third-party software before you install SAS Business Rules Manager. For more information, see the system requirements documents listed in Verify Operating System Requirements.

Install JDBC Drivers for Oracle

You must download the following JDBC drivers and place them in a separate directory that does not contain any other files on all middle-tier servers to ensure proper installation and configuration of SAS Business Rules Manager.
The JDBC drivers for Oracle are located in the Oracle installation directory. You can also download the ojdbc6.jar file for Oracle Database 11g from Select JDBC drivers. Download the latest Oracle 11.2x driver. The JDBC driver version must match the database version.
For more information about supported database drivers, see the system requirements documents listed in Verify Operating System Requirements.

Install the Oracle Client Application

You must install and configure an Oracle client application on all server-tier machines. If you choose to bypass database initialization when you run the SAS Deployment Wizard, you must run a set of database scripts to prepare and initialize your database. For information about these scripts, see Create Oracle Database Tables.
Also, you must have an entry in the tnsnames.ora file for that Oracle client that corresponds to the database that you have set up.

Determine the Information Required for the Oracle Database

During the installation and configuration of SAS Business Rules Manager, the SAS Deployment Wizard requires information about the Oracle database that SAS Business Rules Manager uses.
The following table describes the information that you need in order to complete the steps in the SAS Deployment Wizard.
SAS Deployment Wizard Information for Oracle
Database Type
Specifies the database type to use for the SAS Decision Manager database. Select Oracle.
User Name
Specifies the user name for the database that is used with your SAS Business Rules Manager installation.
Specifies a valid password for the user name associated with the database account.
Specifies the port that is used by the database. The default port for Oracle is 1521.
Host Name
Specifies the fully qualified host name of the server on which the database is installed.
Database Name
Specifies the Oracle database name. The Net Service Name and the Service Name fields that are configured in the tnsnames.ora file must be the same. You must use this value for the Database Name field in the SAS Deployment Wizard. For example, if you had the following entry in the tnsnames.ora file, you would enter monitordb in the Database Name field in the SAS Deployment Wizard:
monitordb =    
        (ADDRESS =
          (COMMUNITY = TCP_COMM)
          (PROTOCOL = TCP)
          (HOST =
          (PORT = 1521)
      (SERVICE_NAME = monitordb)  
The Net Service Name and Service Name in this example are the same.
Specifies the schema name for the database. The default schema is the same as the user ID.
Specifies the location of the database vendor’s JDBC JAR file. This file must be available on the middle tier and on any machine on which you are deploying SAS Business Rules Manager in order to configure SAS Business Rules Manager Common Data Server.
See Install JDBC Drivers for Oracle for more information.

Specify the Required Database Privileges for Oracle

Ensure that the users of your database have the required database privileges. The required privileges for Oracle databases are:

Test the Connection to Your Database

Execute a command from the terminal to verify that your database is set up. For example, to use an Oracle database, you can execute the following command using SQL*Plus:
You must be able to execute this command from any directory. If you are able to execute a database command such as this only from the database installation directory, then verify that the PATH variable is set up correctly. The database client application must be installed and available on the PATH.