Create Oracle Database Tables

When you ran the SAS Deployment Wizard, the Automatically create tables and load data check box was selected by default for the SAS Decision Manager Common Data Server. (See Create and Load Tables through the SAS Deployment Wizard.) If you cleared the Automatically create tables and load data check box and you do not have an existing database instance, you must run the SQL scripts to create and load the tables.
Run the following scripts to create the business rules tables with a compatible database client for your installation. These scripts are located in SAS_HOME\SASDecisionManagerCommonMidTierforDecisionManager\2.2\Config\Deployment\dbscript\Oracle.
Before you run these scripts, replace in each file with the schema name for your database.
  1. brm_create_table.sql
  2. brm_create_sequence.sql
  3. brm_create_constraint.sql
  4. brm_create_view.sql
  5. brm_required_inserts.sql
  6. edm_workflow_interface_create_table.sql
  7. edm_workflow_interface_create_sequence.sql
  8. edm_workflow_interface_create_constraint.sql
  9. edm_workflow_interface_create_trigger.sql
  10. edm_workflow_interface_required_inserts.sql
  11. edm_create_table.sql
  12. edm_create_constraint.sql
  13. edm_create_sequence.sql
  14. edm_required_inserts.sql