Windows User ID Formats

In most cases, users can launch SAS applications using the same ID and password as they use in the rest of your computing environment. However, when you create a SAS copy of a Windows user ID, you must store the user ID in the appropriate format. In most cases, you must use a particular qualified format (for example, WindowsDomain\user, MachineName\user, or With certain authentication configurations, a different format is required. Failure to appropriately qualify a stored user ID causes the user to have only the PUBLIC identity.
If your site accepts Windows IDs in disparate formats, you must coordinate the format of the copies with the format in which users submit their IDs. This table describes the common forms for an Active Directory user ID:
Overview: Forms of an Active Directory User ID
Basic Syntax
user@UPNsuffix or
orionsports\joe or sales\joe or mymachine\joe
Note: User Principal Name (UPN) is an Active Directory concept. Down-level domain is a Windows NT concept. The realm in a Kerberos name is usually a Windows domain. A Kerberos name can include an instance (in the format user/instance@realm). Additional site-specific variations might occur.
In the platform, follow these guidelines for Windows user IDs:
  • If users log on interactively, they can usually use the short form. Here are some exceptions:
    • The user has multiple accounts with the same user ID in different down-level domains (for example, machine\joe, domain1\joe, and domain2\joe).
    • The site has configured direct use of LDAP and has not specified -primpd (the PRIMARYPROVIDERDOMAIN system option).
  • If users log on interactively, they can also use one other site-supported form (either the UPN form or the down-level form). Use one of these approaches:
    • In the metadata, store each user ID in UPN form. Tell users not to use the down-level form when they log on.
    • In the metadata, store each user ID in down-level form. Tell users to not use the UPN form when they log on.
  • If users log on to SAS desktop applications through Integrated Windows authentication, their user IDs should usually be stored in down-level form. In general, that is the form in which SAS obtains user IDs after Kerberos authentication occurs.
    Note: If you prefer to store user IDs in the native Kerberos form, add the setting SASUSEKERBNAME true as a Windows system environment variable on the server host. For example, on the Windows desktop, right-click My Computer, select Properties, select the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button, add the setting under System variables, and reboot the machine. This setting affects only connections that use Integrated Windows authentication. If you use this setting, you might want to make sure that the Integrated Windows authentication process always chooses the Kerberos protocol.
  • If users log on to SAS Web applications through Integrated Windows authentication (which occurs only if you configure Web authentication and have set up Integrated Windows authentication with your Web provider), the form of the returned user ID might differ. See the documentation for your Web application server.
Note: In the status bar of some applications, a currently connected Windows user ID is always displayed in the format user@VALUE, regardless of how the user logged on or how the user's ID is stored in the metadata. For example, if you log on as Joe and your stored user ID is WIN\joe, the status bar displays your authenticated ID as joe@WIN.