SAS Shared Services - Web Infrastructure Platform Database Properties

The following tables describe unique properties for the SAS Shared Services (SAS 9.2) and Web Infrastructure Platform database (SAS 9.3) that the SAS Migration Utility uses when creating a migration analysis report, or later in the process when the utility builds a migration package. To use these properties, add them to your migration utility properties file. For more information, see Running the Migration Utility Using a Properties File.
This topic contains the following SAS Shared Services migration utility properties:
The following table describes the SMU.webinfpltfm.dbms.userid property:
SMU.webinfpltfm.dbms.userid Property
When to Use
To export the SAS Shared Services database to the migration package. Specify a valid user ID with which the migration utility can use a JDBC connection to access the database. For more information, see Complete a Migration Utility Checklist.
The following table describes the SMU.webinfpltfm.dbms.password property:
SMU.webinfpltfm.dbms.password Property
When to Use
The password for the user ID with which the migration utility uses a JDBC connection to access the SAS Shared Services database. You can use regular text or encode the password using PROC PWENCODE and the {sas002} method.