SAS 9.3 is shipped with
a 30-day initial license, or SETINIT. When your new SETINIT arrives,
you must renew it on every machine that runs SAS 9.3 software using
the typical method according to your operating system: SAS Renewal
Tool (Windows), SAS Setup (UNIX), and RENEW job (
z/OS). For more information,
see the instructions appropriate for your operating system on the
Install Center, located at: (search for “renewal”).
Some SAS 9.3 solutions
that depend on a SAS middle tier require you to perform an additional
step. You will know when you have to update your middle-tier SETINIT
when you receive error messages that your SAS license has expired.
You must run the SAS Deployment Manager on the machine that the SETINIT
is intended for. During the process, the deployment manager locates
the new SETINIT and loads it into SAS metadata, effectively renewing
your SAS solution software. (For more information about the other
Deployment Manager features, see
Overview of SAS Deployment Manager and SAS Web Administration Console in SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.)