Install Third-Party Products Using the SAS Software Depot

Some third-party products are shipped with SAS 9.3. Such products' installation files and documentation are located in the SAS Software Depot under the third_party directory.
A third_party Subdirectory in the SAS Software Depot
A third_party Subdirectory in the SAS Software Depot
Platform Suite for SAS is an example of one third-party application that you install in this way. To determine whether any of your third-party software is distributed with your order, refer to your SAS Software Summary that resides in your SAS Software Depot in your order_number directory under install_doc. For example:
C:\SAS Software Depot\install_doc\order_number\ordersummary.html
Some third-party software can be obtained from the Web site that SAS maintains. For more information, see Install Third-Party Products Using the Software Web Site.