Install Third-Party Products Using the Software Web Site

SAS maintains a third-party software Web site to help you do the following:
  • determine what version of the product to install
  • obtain the product, if you do not already have it
  • find installation instructions
  • learn about any patches required
Note: Some third-party software is shipped with your SAS order. For more information, see Install Third-Party Products Using the SAS Software Depot. If you are installing Platform Process Manager, Platform LSF, or Platform Grid Management Service, you must use the installation instructions and installation programs provided in your SAS order. For more information, see Installing Platform Suite for SAS.
To install the Java Development Kit or a Web application server, complete these steps:
  1. Go to the Third-Party Software Web site at
  2. Select the link for the product (or type of product) that you are installing.
    There are columns that either have links directly to the vendor's site, or an indication that the third-party software is shipped with SAS.
  3. Install the product.
    For most installations, you can use the instructions provided by the vendor. For products that are more complex to install (such as the Web application servers), the Third-Party Software Web site contains links to brief installation instructions. These instructions are not meant to replace the vendor documentation. However, they will enable you to create a simple configuration that will work well with your SAS software.
Note to users in Russia: SAS cannot export the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to Russia. You will need to locate the appropriate link on the Third-Party Software Web site and download the JRE. Install it in the default location, and it will be ready for use when you install your SAS software.