Creating Graphs

Two-Dimensional Scatter Plot Options

In two-dimensional plots, you can specify the point color and connecting lines as well as control the tick marks on the axes. Click on the Display button to specify these display options.

2-D Scatter Plot: Display Dialog

Figure 5.32: 2-D Scatter Plot: Display Dialog

Click on the Point Color button to choose the point color. Click on the arrow next to Point symbol: to choose the symbol.

Under Connecting lines, specify whether the points are to be unconnected or connected to each other or the vertical axis, and specify the line color and style. Click on the Line Color button to specify the line color to be used for connecting points. Click on the arrows next to Line width: to specify the width of the line used to connect points. Under Line style, specify the style of the line used to connect points.

Under Axes, click on the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the number of minor horizontal and vertical tick marks. Select the check box to add reference lines at major tick marks.

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