Managing Results in Projects

Generate Histograms

Histograms display the distribution of a particular variable over various intervals, or classes. You can use histograms to see the shape of the distribution and to determine whether the data are distributed symmetrically. A comparative histogram is produced if you specify a classification variable.

To generate comparative histograms of maximum heart rate for each experimental group from the Fitness data table, follow these steps:

  1. Select Graphs arrow Histogram ...
  2. Select maxpulse from the list, and click on the Analysis button. Select group from the list, and click on the Class button.

    Fitness Analysis and Class Variables

    Figure 3.11: Fitness Analysis and Class Variables

  3. To change the way the histogram is displayed, click on the Display button.

    Histogram: Display Dialog

    Figure 3.12: Histogram: Display Dialog

  4. Click Bar Color to change the color of the histogram bars. Select Red from the list of colors.

    Color Attributes Dialog

    Figure 3.13: Color Attributes Dialog

    Click OK to change the bar color to red.

  5. To use number of subjects, rather than percentage, as a gauge of bar size, select Count under Scale of vertical axis. Click OK to return to the Histogram dialog.
  6. Click OK to create histograms of the maximum heart rate for each group.

    Maximum Heart Rate Histograms

    Figure 3.14: Maximum Heart Rate Histograms

    The histograms and the code that produced them have been added to the project tree.

    Project Tree with Histogram Folder

    Figure 3.15: Project Tree with Histogram Folder

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