Annotate Functions Syntax by Product


Syntax and Description
Draws an arrow in the graphics output from the (XLAST, YLAST) coordinates to the (X,Y) coordinates specified in the function.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Draws a rectangle whose lower-left corner is defined by the internal variables (XLAST, YLAST) and whose upper-right corner is defined by the specified X, Y variable pair. You can define the color of the fill, the fill pattern, and the edge lines to be drawn.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Copies the values of the internal coordinates stored in the variable pairs (XLAST, YLAST) to (XLSTT, YLSTT).
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Inserts comments within the Annotate data set. The observations generated by the COMMENT function are ignored when the data set is processed.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Writes the values of internal coordinates and Annotate variables to the SAS log before and after processing the next command (unless it is DEBUG) in the Annotate DATA step.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Draws a line in the graphics output from the (XLAST, YLAST) coordinates to the (X, Y) coordinates specified in the function.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Draws a line from (XLAST, YLAST) to (XLSTT, YLSTT) without updating any of those variables.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Draws a border around the portion of the display area defined by the XSYS and YSYS variables. Optionally specifies a background color for the framed area.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Displays an image in the graphics output from the current (X,Y) coordinates to the (X, Y) coordinates that are associated with the IMGPATH variable.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Places text in the graphics output. Associated variables can control the color, size, font, base angle, and rotation of the characters displayed.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Moves the drawing pointer to a specific location without drawing a line.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Draws pie slices in the graphics output.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Sets new center and radius values for later use by the PIEXY function but does not draw an arc.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Calculates a point on the outline of the slice arc.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Places a single point at the (X, Y) coordinates in the color you specify. The point is one visible pixel in size.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Specifies the beginning point of a polygon. Associated variables can define the fill pattern and color, as well as the line type that outlines the polygon.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Continues drawing a polygon begun with the POLY function. POLYCONT specifies each successive point in the polygon definition.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Removes the (XLAST, YLAST) and (XLSTT, YLSTT) values from the LIFO stack and updates the internal coordinate pairs with the retrieved values.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Adds current (XLAST, YLAST) and (XLSTT, YLSTT) values to the LIFO stack.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Exchanges values of (XLAST, YLAST) with (XLSTT, YLSTT) and vice versa.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Places symbols in the graphics output. Associated variables can specify the color, font, and height of the symbols displayed.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Copies the values (XLSTT, YLSTT) to (XLAST, YLAST), replacing previous values of (XLAST, YLAST).
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference