Annotate Macros Syntax Alphabetically


Syntax and Description
Compiles Annotate macros and makes them available for use.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%ARROW (x1, y1, x2, y2, color, line, size, angle, style);
Draws an arrow from (X1, Y1) to (X2,Y2).
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%BAR (x1, y1, x2, y2, color, line, style); %BAR2(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, line, style, width);
Draws a rectangle using two sets of x/y coordinates, which specify diagonal corners. You can specify the rectangle's line type, line color, fill type, and fill color.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%CENTROID (input-data-set, output-data-set, list-of-id-variables);
Retrieves the centroids of polygons
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%CIRCLE (x, y, size, color);
Draws an empty circle with the center at (x, y).
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Copies the values of the internal coordinates (XLAST, YLAST) to the text coordinate (XLSTT, YLSTT).
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%COMMENT (text-string);
Inserts a comment into an Annotate data set.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Automatically sets the correct length and data type for all Annotate variables except the TEXT variable.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%DRAW (x, y, color, line, size);
Draws a line from (XLAST, YLAST) to the specified coordinate.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%DRAW2TXT (color, line, size);
Draws a line from the coordinate (XLAST, YLAST) to the text coordinate (XLSTT, YLSTT).
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%FRAME (color, line, size, style);
Draws a border around the portion of the display area defined by the reference system and optionally fills the area.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%LABEL (x, y, text-string, color, angle, rotate, size, style, position);
Places a text label at the specified coordinates.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%LINE (x1, y1, x2, y2, color, line, size);
Draws a line between two sets of coordinates.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%MAPLABEL (map-dataset, attr-dataset,output-dataset,label-var,id-list,font=font_name,color=n,size=n,hsys=n);
Creates an output data set that can be used with the ANNO= option for PROC GMAP.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%MOVE (x, y);
Moves to the (x, y) coordinate.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%PIEXY (angle, size);
Calculates a point in relation to the latest pie slice.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%POLY (x, y, color, style, line); %POLY2(x, y, color, style, line, width);
Begins drawing a polygon at the specified coordinates and determines the color, fill pattern, and line type of the polygon.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%POLYCONT (x, y, color);
Continues drawing the polygon to the next specified coordinates.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Removes the coordinates (XLAST, YLAST) and (XLSTT, YLSTT) from the LIFO system stack and updates the internal coordinate pairs with these retrieved values.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Enters the coordinates (XLAST, YLAST) and (XLSTT, YLSTT) in a LIFO system stack.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%RECT (x1, y1, x2, y2, color, line, size) ;
Draws a rectangle with diagonal corners at two specified points.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%SCALE (ptx, pty, x1, y1, x2, y2, vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2);
Scales input coordinates relative to the origin (0, 0) based on the relationship between two ranges of minima and maxima.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%SCALET (ptx, pty, x1, y1, x2, y2, vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2);
Scales input coordinates based on the relationship between two ranges of minima and maxima. The scaled coordinates are plotted relative to the minima of the second range.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%SEQUENCE (when);
Specifies when to draw Annotate graphics elements, relative to the procedure's graphics output or relative to the other Annotate graphics drawn.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%SLICE (x, y, angle, rotate, size, color, style, line);
Draws a arc, pie slice, or circle, with available line types, colors, and fill types.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Exchanges control between (XLAST, YLAST) and text (XLSTT, YLSTT) coordinates.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
%SYSTEM (xsys, ysys, hsys);
Defines the Annotate reference systems and the XSYS, YSYS, and HSYS variables.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference
Assigns the values of the text (XLSTT, YLSTT) coordinates to the control (XLAST, YLAST) coordinates.
Product: SAS/GRAPH
Document: SAS/GRAPH Reference