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FRAME Function

Draws a border around the portion of the display area defined by the XSYS and YSYS variables. Optionally specifies a background color for the framed area.
Associated Variables



Note:   The FRAME function is not supported by Java.  [cautionend]

Associated Variables


specifies the frame color and, if the STYLE variable is specified, fills the interior of the frame. Color can be any SAS/GRAPH color name.


specifies the coordinate system for the SIZE variable. See HSYS Variable for an explanation of coordinate-system.

Note:   The HSYS variable is not supported by ActiveX.  [cautionend]


specifies the text that defines the link for drill-down.


specifies the line type with which to draw the frame. See Specifying Line Types for an illustration of the line types.


specifies the thickness of the line with which to draw the frame. See DRAW Function for details.

Note:   The SIZE variable is not supported by ActiveX.  [cautionend]


specifies the pattern that fills the area that is bounded by the frame. Fill-pattern can be the following bar and block patterns:


a solid fill.


an empty fill.


a shaded pattern:

style can be R | X | L

density can be 1...5

See also the discussion of fill patterns for bars and blocks in VALUE=.

WHEN='B' | 'A'

specifies when to draw the frame in relation to other procedure output. See WHEN Variable


define the area to be enclosed by the frame. For example, if XSYS='1' and YSYS='1', the frame encloses the axis area as shown in Frame Created When XSYS='1' and YSYS='1'. See XSYS Variable and the YSYS variable on YSYS Variable for an explanation of coordinate-system.

Frame Created When XSYS='1' and YSYS='1'

[Frame Created When XSYS='1' and YSYS='1']

If XSYS='3' and YSYS='3', the frame encloses the entire graphics output area, as shown in Frame Created When XSYS='3' and YSYS='3'.

Frame Created When XSYS='3' and YSYS='3'

[Frame Created When XSYS='3' and YSYS='3']

The values for XSYS and YSYS do not have to be the same. If XSYS='3' and YSYS='5', the frame encloses the entire width of the graphics output area; however, vertically, the frame only encloses the procedure output area as shown in Frame Created When XSYS='3' and YSYS='5'.

Frame Created When XSYS='3' and YSYS='5'

[Frame Created When XSYS='3' and YSYS='5']

See XSYS Variable and YSYS Variable for an explanation of these variables and the areas that they affect.


Use FRAME to simulate the CBACK= graphics option on devices (such as plotters) that do not support that option. For devices that do support the CBACK= graphics option, FRAME works in addition to that option. FRAME does not alter the (XLAST, YLAST) coordinates. See CBACK for more information on CBACK=.

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