Part III: Add a Welcome Page and Run the Application

Add a Welcome Page Template

To help make testing as easy as possible, the Welcome Page template defines a starting point in the web application that is suitable for integration with the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform. The Welcome Page template works in conjunction with the web application example templates that add data about the example to \WEB-INF\sas_examples.xml.
The Welcome Page template adds a JSP file (default name sas_examples.jsp) to the project, and appends the filename to the welcome-file-list declaration in \WebContent\WEB-INF\web.xml.
At run time, after successfully logging on to the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Logon Manager, this JSP is displayed provided that it is the first resource in the welcome-file-list that exists in the web application. When the Welcome Page is displayed, a link is available for each SAS web application template added to the project.
If other resources in the welcome-file-list exist in the web application, you might need to move the sas_examples.jsp entry to the top of the list to ensure that it is executed immediately after logon. Because the Examples Welcome Page is not a production entry point, you can move it to the top of the list when you want to use its features and move it down or remove it when you want a different welcome file served.
Add a Welcome Page template by following these steps:
  1. From Eclipse, select Filethen selectNew then selectOther
  2. Select Add Template Content to Project, and click Next.
  3. For Project, select MyProject.
  4. Expand SAS Java Web Application and then SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Support.
  5. Select Examples Welcome Page, and then click Next, and then Finish.

Run the Application

  1. From the Servers View, right-click the server and select Add and Remove.
  2. Select MyProject and add it to the list of Configured projects.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Right-click the server and select Publish.
    The application is copied to the server. Wait until the status of the server and project is Synchronized before proceeding.
    The first time an application is published, over 100 megabytes of static content and JAR files are copied to the server. Subsequent publishes only copy files that have changed.
  5. From the Servers View, right-click the server and select Start. Wait until the server State is Started.
    Note: A 120 second server time-out for Tomcat is recommended. Adjust the time according to the speed of your system and the number of web applications that you are attempting to start.
  6. In the Project Explorer, right-click MyProject and select Run Asthen selectRun on Server.
  7. Ensure that the correct server is selected and click Finish.
    Because the server is already started, the web browser should open to the BI Server page.
  8. Log on to the BI Server.
  9. The Welcome Page is displayed.
    JDBC TableView Welcome Page
  10. Click the link for the JDBC TableView Example.
    JDBC TableView Servlet Results
  11. Close the JDBC TableView window and log off.
    You should always log off when you are finished testing. Stopping the test server while still logged in might not completely remove the session.