Part I: Create the Project and the Application Metadata

Create a SAS Web Application Project

Create the project to which you will add the templates.
  1. Connect to a SAS Metadata Server.
    Although not necessary to create a new project, connecting to a metadata server as the first step in this walk-through ensures that you have defined a BI Server Profile and Metadata Server Connection Profile. For help with setting up the profiles, see Server Profiles.
    Connect to SAS Metadata Server Button
  2. Select Filethen selectNew then selectOther.
  3. Expand SAS AppDev Studio.
  4. Select SAS Web Application Project, and click Next.
  5. For the project name, enter MyProject, and click Next. In the next section you add the Metadata Creation template.
    The project name is used as the context name, and cannot contain spaces.
    New Stored Process Web Application Project

Add the Application Metadata Creation Template

The SAS Web Infrastructure Application Metadata Creation template adds to a project the files that enable you to create, delete, and copy the metadata needed to communicate with the Web Infrastructure Platform Logon Manager. Because integration with the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform requires this application metadata, this template should be the first that you add to a project.
  1. Select the Add Template Content check box.
  2. Expand the following folders:
    • SAS Java Web Application
    • SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Support
  3. Select SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Application Metadata Creation, and click Next.
  4. Select the BI Server Profile that matches the BI installation that you plan to develop for.
    The BI Server Profile that is selected by default is the one associated with the metadata connection profile that you used to connect to the metadata server.
  5. For the Port, enter 8081. This port should match the port used for the Tomcat Web server.
    BI Server port
  6. Click Finish, and then close the Application.xml file.
Although the project is created and the Create Metadata template has been added to the project, you must still create the application metadata needed to communicate with the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform.

Run the Launch File and Create the Application Metadata

When you added the Create Metadata template, an Ant launch configuration file named MyProject Create Metadata.launch was added to the project. The application metadata identifying the web application to the Web Infrastructure Platform Logon Manager is created by executing the launch file (located in \metadata\).
Metadata files created during the execution of this launch file appear in \metadata\temp\. For information about the files added to the project as a result of adding this template and creating the metadata, see Files Added by the Metadata Creation Template.
  1. Ensure that the SAS Metadata Server is running in the BI installation whose SAS BI Server Profile was selected earlier.
  2. Select Windowthen selectShow Viewthen selectConsole to ensure that the Console is visible.
  3. Expand the project's metadata folder.
  4. Right-click the MyProject Create Metadata file, and select Run asthen selectMyProject Create Metadata.
    Verify that BUILD SUCCESSFUL appears at the end of the output logged to the Console.
    Create Metadata Launch File