Files Added by the Metadata Creation Template

Location of Application Metadata

When you add the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Metadata Creation template to a project, and then you use that template to create metadata, files are added to the project. These metadata files are stored in the \metadata folder or one of its subdirectories.

The Launch Files

When you add the Metadata Creation template to a project, three Ant configuration files (.launch) are added to the project. Their names indicate the task that they perform when executed:


This file contains values that are used in the application metadata. For example, the name of the application is stored in the Name attribute of the Application element, and the Protocol, Host, Port, and Service attributes of the ApplicationUri element are combined to form the URL that the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform’s Logon Manager returns to the web application after a successful login: <Protocol>://<Host>:<Port><Service>. The slash that follows the Port in the URL is part of the Service value.
You can edit the information in Application.xml, if necessary, but each time you run the metadata creation operation, the metadata for the application is replaced if it already existed.
The template sets the value for the Service attribute of the ApplicationUri element using the current value of the Context Root for the project. This value can also be found in project's properties, on the Web Project Settings page. The Service value must match the name of the project.
The file is eventually transformed into the required deployment files and then those files are used to deploy the metadata.


This file is an Ant build file that supports the launch file operations.

This file contains properties that specify the destination metadata server when copying the application metadata. The values in this file are placeholders that must be manually entered once a destination metadata server has been chosen. This file is not overwritten by repeated additions of the metadata template.
The copy.can.replace.metadata property controls whether existing metadata in the destination SAS Metadata Server is deleted before the copy. If false (the default), then the copy is not performed if metadata already exists in the destination metadata server for that application.

This file contains properties that specify the destination metadata server when creating and deleting the application metadata, and the source metadata server when copying the application metadata. The values in this file are determined by the SAS BI Server Profile that you selected when adding the template.