Copying the Application Metadata

When moving to a production environment, copy the application metadata from the SAS Metadata Server where it was created to a destination metadata server by following these steps:
  1. Enter the information for the destination metadata server in \metadata\
    The copy.can.replace.metadata property controls whether existing metadata in the destination SAS Metadata Server is deleted before the copy. If false (the default), then the copy is not performed if metadata already exists in the destination metadata server for that application.
  2. Right-click the projectName Copy Metadata.launch file, and select Run Asthen selectprojectName Copy Metadata.launch.
  3. Verify that BUILD SUCCESSFUL appears at the end of the output logged to the Console.
The copy operation extracts application metadata directly from the source metadata server and deploys it to the destination metadata server. No values in Application.xml or in the files derived from Application.xml when the application metadata was created are accessed. Consequently, changes made to the metadata using the SAS Management Console are included in the copy operation.