If the IMS
engine can generate SSAs from the WHERE statement, it then retrieves a subset of the IMS
data. If the engine cannot generate SSAs from the WHERE statement, the WHERE statement
is passed to SAS for processing. You can also use a SAS WHERE command to retrieve
a subset of IMS data after you have invoked one of the
SAS/FSP procedures using the
PROC statements.
you use a SAS WHERE statement, only the
observations specified by that SAS WHERE statement are available.
The other observations are not available until you exit the procedure.
This is called a permanent WHERE clause.
If you use
the SAS WHERE command, you can clear the
command to make all the observations available. This is called a temporary
WHERE clause.
In the following example,
the FSEDIT procedure uses a SAS WHERE statement to retrieve a subset
of customers from Richmond.
proc fsedit data=vlib.custinfo;
where city='RICHMOND';
The following figure
shows the FSEDIT window after the statements
have been submitted.
Only the two observations
with a CITY value of RICHMOND
are retrieved for editing; you must scroll forward to see the second observation.
The word (Subset)
appears after Vlib.CustInfo in the window title to remind you that the retrieved
data is a subset of the data that is described by the view descriptor. You can then
edit each observation by typing over any incorrect information. Issue
the END command to end your editing session. If you want to cancel changes to an
observation, you can issue the CANCEL command before you scroll to another observation.
Once you scroll, the changes are saved.
You can also enter a
SAS WHERE command to display a subset of your data. A SAS WHERE command
is a SAS WHERE expression that you enter on the command line. For
example, to begin the FSEDIT procedure, you can submit the following
statements in the Program Editor:
proc fsedit data=vlib.custinfo;
The following figure
shows what the FSEDIT display looks like when the following command-line
command is entered within the
FSEDIT window:
where city='RICHMOND'
Only the two observations
with a CITY value of RICHMOND
are retrieved for editing; you must scroll forward to see the second observation.
You can then edit each observation, as described earlier.
Although these examples
have shown how to use a SAS WHERE statement and command with the FSEDIT
procedure, you can use a SAS WHERE statement and command in the same
way with the FSBROWSE and FSVIEW procedures. For more information
about the SAS WHERE statement, see SAS Statements: Reference. For
more information about the SAS WHERE command within the
SAS/FSP procedures, see SAS/FSP Procedures