Ron Cody

Ron Cody
National Instructor, SAS 

Ron Cody, EdD, is a retired professor from the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School who now works as a private consultant and national instructor for SAS. A SAS user since 1977, Ron's extensive knowledge and innovative style have made him a popular presenter at local, regional, and national SAS conferences. He has authored or co-authored numerous books, such as Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide, Second Edition; A Gentle Introduction to Statistics Using SAS Studio; Cody's Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS, Third Edition; SAS Functions by Example, Second Edition; and several other books on SAS programming and statistical analysis. During his career at Rutgers Medical School, he authored or co-authored over 100 articles in scientific journals.

By This Author

Ron Cody | SAS Support

A Gentle Introduction to Statistics Using SAS® Studio in the Cloud

By Ron Cody

This book introduces crucial statistical concepts for those who are new to the field. Because this book uses SAS OnDemand for Academics, little programming is required, so readers can focus on learning a wide variety of statistical concepts, from sample size and study designs, through ANOVA, correlation and regressions. Readers will be walked through importing data and SAS Studio tasks and graphing. Each chapter will end with programming exercises with solutions to the odd-numbered exercises provided online to download.

Ron Cody | SAS Support

Getting Started with SAS® Programming: Using SAS® Studio in the Cloud

By Ron Cody

Get up and running with SAS® using Ron Cody’s easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide. This book is aimed at beginners who are using SAS® OnDemand for Academics and want to either use the point-and-click interactive environment of SAS Studio, or who want to write their own SAS programs, or both.

Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide, Second Edition

Learning SAS® by Example: A Programmer's Guide, Second Edition

By Ron Cody

Learning SAS® by Example: A Programmer’s Guide, Second Edition, teaches SAS programming from very basic concepts to more advanced topics. Because most programmers prefer examples rather than reference-type syntax, this book uses short examples to explain each topic. The second edition has brought this classic book on SAS programming up to the latest SAS version, with new chapters that cover topics such as PROC SGPLOT and Perl regular expressions.

Cody's Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS, Third Edition

Cody's Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS®, Third Edition

By Ron Cody

Thoroughly updated, Cody's Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS®, Third Edition, addresses tasks that nearly every data analyst needs to do - that is, make sure that data errors are located and corrected. Written in Ron Cody's signature informal, tutorial style, this book develops and demonstrates data cleaning programs and macros that you can use as written or modify which will make your job of data cleaning easier, faster, and more efficient.

Biostatistics by Example Using SAS Studio

Biostatistics by Example Using SAS® Studio

By Ron Cody

Aimed specifically at the health sciences, Biostatistics by Example Using SAS® Studio , provides an introduction on how to use the point-and-click SAS Studio tasks to solve basic statistical problems. The book will include many biological and health related problem sets and will be fully compatible with SAS University Edition.

SAS Statistics by Example

SAS® Statistics by Example

By Ron Cody

Offers up a cookbook approach for doing statistics with SAS. It is structured specifically around the most commonly used statistical tasks or techniques and provides an easy-to-follow, how-to approach to statistical analysis.

SAS Functions by Example, Second Edition

SAS® Functions by Example, Second Edition

By Ron Cody

Like the first edition, the new edition also includes a list of SAS programs, an alphabetic list of all the functions in the book, and a comprehensive index of functions and tasks. Beginning and experienced SAS users will benefit from this useful reference guide to SAS functions.

Cody's Collection of Popular SAS® Programming Tasks and How to Tackle Them

By Ron Cody

Now out of print but available as a free e-book, Cody's Collection of Popular SAS® Programming Tasks and How to Tackle Them presents often-used programming tasks that readers can either use as presented or modify to fit their own programs, all in one handy volume. SAS users of all levels interested in improving their programming skills will benefit from this easy-to-follow collection of tasks.

Applied Statistics and the SAS® Programming Language Fifth Edition

By Ron Cody and Jeffrey Smith

A Gentle Introduction to Statistics Using SAS® Studio

An Introduction to SAS® University Edition

*This book is out of print.

Learning SAS® by Example: A Programmer's Guide

Test Scoring and Analysis Using SAS®

*This book is out of print.


Longitudinal Data and SAS®: A Programmer's Guide

*This book is out of print.

The SAS® Workbook

*This book is out of print.

The SAS® Workbook Solutions

*This book is out of print.

Cody's Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS, Second Edition

Cody's Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS®, Second Edition



2015-2016 Society for Technical Communication, Carolina Chapter: Technical Publications Competition - Award of Excellence: An Introduction to SAS® University Edition

2011-2012 Society for Technical Communication, International Summit - Award of Distinguished Technical Communication: SAS® Functions by Example, Second Edition

2011-2012 Society for Technical Communication, Carolina Chapter: Technical Publications Competition Distinguished Winner: SAS® Functions by Example, Second Edition