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SAS Technical Papers
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Title | Paper Type | Description |
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3-D Secure Version 2 in SAS Fraud Management | Technical Paper | SAS Fraud Management supports the latest 3-D secure protocols from EMVCo through its flexible message layout, which empowers users to create and add transaction data fields. To enable users to use the latest data from 3-D Secure, SAS provides a predefined list of CIVs for these fields. | SAS Fraud Management: SAS Fraud Management |
Applying Quantile Regression to Ratemaking: A Measured Approach | Technical Paper | Discover practical insights on using quantile regression in P&C ratemaking. Tailored to actuaries, data scientists, and underwriters, this study shows the effectiveness of this approach in risk segmentation, focusing on a telematics use case. Our research used SAS Dynamic Actuarial Modeling and gives valuable recommendations for the P&C industry. | SAS Dynamic Actuarial Modeling |
Automatic Hyperparameter Tuning Method for Local Outlier Factor, with Applications to Anomaly Detection | Technical Paper | For data scientists and engineers who specialize in SAS Analytics for IoT, this paper proposes a novel, heuristic methodology for tuning the hyperparameters in the LOF model, which is used for anomaly detection. A tuned LOF model that uses the proposed method shows good predictive performance in both simulations and real data sets. | SAS Analytics for IoT |
Bayesian Models with the Power Prior Using PROC BGLIMM | Research Paper | This paper by Yi Gong and Fang Chen introduces new features in the BGLIMM procedure that enable you to fit the power prior to many models (such as models with repeated measurements, random effects, and missing data) by using the simplest setup. | SAS/STAT |
BIN Attacks Predicting and Preventing Financial and Reputational Loss | Technical Paper | This paper contains procedures for using SAS® Fraud Management to set up a rule to protect the customer's credit card database from BIN (bank identification number) attacks. Implementation of this application requires collaboration between the application developer, the internal IT department, and SAS experts, including the Technical Support Account Manager (TSAM). | SAS Fraud Management |
Checklist of SAS® Viya® Administration Tasks | Technical Paper | This paper is a checklist of the tasks for administrators (SAS or IT) to perform following initial installation and deployment and as part of regular maintenance of the SAS® Viya® environment. Important initial tasks occur during the installation and deployment of software, and they are reviewed and possibly repeated for events such as adding new hardware or software. Regular tasks are also performed to assure good health, security, and efficiency. | SAS Viya |
Cohort Creation and Characterization Using SAS® Health: Cohort Builder | Technical Paper | Using SAS® Health: Cohort Builder, researchers can analyze data from multiple data sources and vendors with unique analytic capabilities to address health care and life science use cases. In this study, results revealed an understanding of the relationships between diagnosed diabetic patients and stroke, hypertension, and age demographics. Using the insight gained, researchers can make decisions about safety, efficacy, effectiveness, and costs. | SAS Viya SAS Health Cohort Builder |
Comparing Domain Statistics in Survey Data Analysis with PROC SURVEYMEANS | Research Paper | This paper by Tony An illustrates how to perform comparisons of domain means and ratios for pairwise levels of a defined domain in survey data by using the SURVEYMEANS procedure of SAS/STAT. | SAS/STAT |
Computing Predictive Margins for Generalized Linear Models with PROC GLIMMIX | Research Paper | This paper introduces the concepts of predictive margins and marginal effects, illustrates how you can compute these quantities by applying the new MARGIN statement of the GLIMMIX procedure in SAS/STAT® software to numerical examples, and discusses how you can make statistical inferences about predictive margins in practical applications. | SAS/STAT |
Configuring SAS® Web Report Studio 4.2 and the SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server | Technical Paper | This paper provides details about how to configure SAS® Web Report Studio to leverage vast amounts of data that are stored in the SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server (SAS SPD Server). The SAS applications developer uses SAS Management Console to define (1) the SAS SPD Server libraries and the business-intelligence tools, (2) the data libraries for temporary files, (3) a query cache library, and (4) users and groups. | SAS Scalable Performance Data Server |
Configuring SSH Client Software in UNIX and Windows Environments for Use with the SFTP Access Method in SAS® 9.2, SAS® 9.3, and SAS® 9.4 | Technical Paper | During execution of the SFTP access method in a SAS® FILENAME statement, the method dynamically launches an sftp or a psftp executable file. Launching this executable initiates an SSH client process that creates a secure connection to an OpenSSH server. All conversations across this connection are encrypted—from the user authentication to the data transfers. However, before you can use the SFTP access method in a SAS FILENAME statement, you must set up the SSH software that enables SAS to access a file on an OpenSSH server. | Base SAS |
Credential Stuffing Attacks | Technical Paper | With the proliferation of data breaches, there is a wealth of stolen credentials (i.e. username and password combinations) available on the dark web for fraudsters to exploit. Additionally, many individuals reuse usernames and passwords across multiple accounts. Credential stuffing attacks exploit these two situations; a fraudster uses a botnet and a stolen list of credentials from another organization to attempt multiple logins of a target organization. It is important for banks and other organizations to take a layered approach to protect against these attacks; while they have a low success rate, it only takes a small percentage of credentials to "hit" across a list of millions or billions for the attack to be worthwhile. | SAS Fraud Management: SAS Fraud Management |
Determining the Number of Latent Factors Using PROC FACTOR: A Case Study of the Big Five Personality Traits Model | Research Paper | This paper by Yiu-Fai Yung and Clay Thompson reviews the following four methods for determining the number of factors to retain in a factor analysis: minimum eigenvalue, proportion of variance explained, minimum average partial correlation, and parallel analysis. It also demonstrates these methods by applying the FACTOR procedure to a large data set that contains measures of the Big Five personality traits. | SAS/STAT |
Encrypting Data at Rest on SAS® Viya® with Vormetric Transparent Encryption from Thales eSecurity | Technical Paper | The paper demonstrates that the solution, Vormetric Transparent Encryption, from Thales eSecurity meets the specific regulatory requirements to successfully encrypt data at rest, which is stored and processed by SAS Viya. Testing showed passing results for the SAS Viya application suite and only a minimal performance overhead from encrypting data at rest with Vormetric Transparent Encryption. This paper is of interest to those involved in security issues. | SAS Viya |
Ensuring Compatibility of Encodings across Different Releases of the SAS® System in the z/OS Environment | Technical Paper | For SAS application developers, this document describes how different encodings affect SAS applications at different releases of SAS® software. It also explains how migrating SAS applications with the NONLSCOMPATMODE option can keep these applications from being affected in the future. | Base SAS |
Fault Identification Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks | Technical Paper | This paper is intended for technical customers using SAS Viya 4 or SAS Event Stream Processing. It outlines how SAS’ dynamic Bayesian network functionality works in IoT applications. Examples illustrate how PROC DYNBNET and the corresponding Event Stream Processing plug-in can be used to detect and categorize faults in industrial assets. | SAS Viya |
Introducing Bayesian Additive Regression Trees in SAS Viya | Research Paper | This paper introduces the Bayesian additive regression tress (bart) action set and the BART procedure of SAS Viya, discusses the advantages of the bart methods for data modeling, and illustrates the applications of the bart actions and the BART procedure to practical examples. | SAS Visual Statistics |
Introducing Folded Concave Penalized Regression: New Variable Selection Methods in the REGSELECT Procedure in SAS Viya | Research Paper | This paper introduces a class of nonconvex penalized regression methods of linear model selection, which are called folded concave penalization (FCP) methods. It also discusses some desirable statistical properties of the FCP estimators and demonstrates the FCP methods by applying the REGSELECT procedure in SAS Viya to practical examples. | SAS Visual Statistics |
Kernel Principal Component Analysis Using SAS | Technical Paper | For data scientists who specialize in SAS Analytics for IoT and SAS/IML®, this paper introduces KPCA and a low-rank approximation method that uses k-means clustering and greatly reduces the space and time complexity of a KPCA implementation. Applications were run in each of three test areas to determine the effectiveness of KPCA: data visualization and dimensionality reduction, novelty detection, and the fast KPCA method. | SAS/IML SAS Analytics for IoT |
Modernizing Your SAS UIs: Removing Dependencies on Adobe Flash | Technical Paper | Adobe moved its Flash technology to end-of-life status at the end of 2020. This has implications for the SAS offerings that rely on the Adobe Flash Player to provide interactive Adobe Flex user interfaces created using the Adobe Flash Builder. This document helps you evaluate your SAS environment and provides the next steps if action is necessary. The audience for this document is typically the SAS administrator and those who installed and deployed the SAS software. | Base SAS |
Monitoring Machine Health Using KT Charts | Technical Paper | This paper introduces new functionality available in SAS® Forecast Studio, known as KT chart procedures, which can be useful for monitoring process or equipment data and which has applications in both predictive maintenance and predictive quality. | SAS Forecast Server Procedures SAS Analytics for IoT |
Monitoring Turbofan Engine Degradation Using Stability Monitoring Procedures | Technical Paper | This paper focuses on SAS® Visual Forecasting, which contains the SAS stability monitoring procedures -- SMSPEC, SMPROJECT, SMCALIB, SMSELECT, and SMSCORE -- for data scientists to use to monitor the health of a system and to detect anomalous behavior of various types of data (sensor and event). A goal of stability monitoring is to predict serious issues before they occur to manage the cost and frequency of preventive maintenance. | SAS Analytics for IoT |
Mounting a SAS ® 9.4 Deployment from One Cloud Instance to Another after a Minor Operating System Release Upgrade | Technical Paper | This paper explains the process of unmounting a SAS® 9.4 deployment from a cloud instance and mounting the SAS® 9.4 deployment to a new cloud instance that has had a minor release upgrade of its Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system. SAS has validated this process using virtual machines in Microsoft Azure and therefore supports the process that is described in this paper. | |
Moving SAS® Applications from a Physical to a Virtual VMware Environment | Technical Paper | SAS® software can be deployed in a virtual environment based on VMware vSphere technology. During the planning phase, several architecture considerations and details are critical factors for establishing a smooth and successful deployment. This paper summarizes best practices, and outlines key considerations based on testing SAS® 9 with VMware 5. | Base SAS |
Multinomial Regression Diagnostics in Logistic Regression | Research Paper | This paper describes the regression diagnostics for polytomous response models in logistic regression modeling and demonstrates how to apply them by using the logistic action and the LOGSELECT procedure in SAS Visual Statistics. | SAS Visual Statistics |
Orthogonal Arrays | Technical Paper | This PDF file has a list of virtually all known strength-two orthogonal arrays up through 143 runs, a list of parent orthogonal arrays (including virtually all known parent orthogonal arrays up through 143 runs and a reasonably comprehensive set of parent orthogonal arrays for 144 through 513 runs), and a reference list. | Base SAS |
Packaging and Deployment Guidelines for SAS Models | Technical Paper | This document provides information how to package and deploy a model to the SAS OnDemand Decision Engine. | SAS Fraud Management |
Performance and Tuning Considerations for SAS Viya on Dell EMC VxFlex | Technical Paper | This technical paper presents the testing results of a SAS® Viya® workload on the Dell EMC® VxFlex™ system. The DellEMC VxFlex w as utilized as a massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture for the Viya system. | SAS Viya |
Power Up Your Pages: Modern Solution Extensions in SAS® Visual Investigator | Make SAS® Visual Investigator even more flexible and powerful with solution extensions. Learn to use front-end web programming to build page components that fit unique needs beyond out-of-the-box functionality. | SAS Visual Investigator: SAS Visual Investigator | |
Prescribed Environment for Cards | Technical Paper | A prescribed environment is a SAS Fraud Management out-of-the-box installation. It captures industry best practices into a set of default settings and is provided as a recommendation to clients. You might use this environment as a baseline during your SAS Fraud Management implementation. | |
Prescribed Environment for Payments | Technical Paper | A prescribed environment is a SAS Fraud Management out-of-the-box installation. It captures industry best practices into a set of default settings and is provided as a recommendation to clients. You might use this environment as a baseline during your SAS Fraud Management implementation. | |
Record Layout of a SAS Version 5 or 6 Data Set in SAS Transport (Xport) Format | Technical Paper | The SAS XPORT transport format, also called the Version 5 SAS transport format, is an open format developed by SAS to support data transfers between systems, especially those running different operating systems. It is widely used by the pharmaceutical industry. Programmers or third-party vendors can use this record layout to translate their data to and from this SAS transport format without using SAS programs or any specific vendor software. | Base SAS |
Record Layout of a SAS Version 8 or 9 Data Set in SAS Transport Format | Technical Paper | This paper describes the record layout of the Version 8 SAS transport format. This record layout is an open format for data exchange. You can write the V8 transport format without using SAS programs or any specific vendor software. The V8 transport format extends the older Version 5 transport file format to accommodate longer variable names, data set names, and other data set features that were not available at the time that the V5 transport format was developed. | Base SAS |
SAS Fraud Management Customer Contact Enablement & Automation | Technical Paper | Speed is a key aspect in fraud detection and prevention. This includes the speed of contacting your customers and taking preventative actions. Read this technical paper to find out how SAS® Fraud Management can empower you to reach the speed that you need to stay ahead of fraud risks. | |
SAS Viya 3.4 to SAS Viya 4 Migration Best Practices | Technical Paper | Tips on migrating content from SAS Viya 3.4 to SAS Viya 4 based on experience in the field. Includes links to updated lists of supported content and other resources, how you can avoid common pitfalls, and guidance on automating the migration process. | UNINMMOFR: SAS Visual Machine Learning SAS Visual Forecasting: SAS Visual Forecasting SAS Econometrics SAS Optimization: SAS Optimization SAS Visual Text Analytics: SAS Visual Text Analytics |
SAS® 9.4 and SAS® Viya® Functional Comparison | Technical Paper | This paper provides an overview of the SAS® 9.4 and SAS® Viya® software components that can be integrated into a unified platform. These components support foundational capabilities (distributed processing, security, administration, program development and execution, resource management, and user interfaces) as well as integration (with cloud environments, operating systems, and third-party software). Included is a comparison of SAS 9.4 and SAS Viya and their functional approaches. | Base SAS SAS Viya |
Time-Frequency Analysis Methods and Applications in SAS | Technical Paper | This paper showcases multiple time-frequency analysis methods in SAS IML, including the INSTANTTFA function, PEAKINFO call, PEAKLOC function, UNWRAP function, and HHT call. The real-world examples can be run in readers’ SAS IML environment. The target audience includes data scientists and engineers seeking to analyze high-frequency data using signal processing techniques. | SAS/IML: SAS IML |
Tips for Configuring the SAS Viya Identities Service for LDAP | Technical Paper | The SAS Viya post-installation tasks that are documented in the Deployment Guide for your operating system include configuring the connection to your identity provider. This paper provides details that are specific to LDAP identity providers, and it is a useful guide to collecting the information you need prior to completing the configuration steps. Examples are provided to help you identify how your LDAP attributes relate to configuration properties. | SAS Environment Manager for Viya: SAS Environment Manager SAS Viya |
Understanding Containers and SAS® 9.4 Container Deployment | Technical Paper | The goal of this paper is to cover key considerations when moving SAS software to a container environment. To do this, the paper reviews containers at a high level, helping readers understand how containers evolved, how orchestration engines work with containers, and what the benefits and limitations of containers are. With this background, the paper concludes by discussing key considerations when moving SAS 9.4 to containers, and a sample architecture is reviewed. | |
Using SAS Software to Retrieve Thomson Reuters Tick-History Data | Technical Paper | This paper shows you how to run the code and macros that enable you to request and fetch tick-history data from within SAS. |
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