The Xplore interface consists of two HTML frames.
The left frame is a listing of SAS libraries, catalogs,
and their members. From the left frame, you can
- expand or collapse one or more library and catalog lists
- select the member that you want to display or work with in the
right frame.
Note: When you run Xplore from an Internet Explorer 4.0 browser, you can
expand and collapse library and catalog lists more quickly.
The right frame initially contains overview information about
the Xplore application. As you drill down
through the libraries and catalogs in the left frame, the
documentation in the right frame is replaced by output or
by dialogs that enable you to
- specify which variables you want to include and display
- specify the order in which to display variables in a table
- download data to a local spreadsheet application
- drill down on data sets that are created by PROC SUMMARY
- view thin-client graphics that chart data sets
that are created by PROC SUMMARY
- display MDDB entries using the experimental
SASSFIO engine (selected Release 6.12 platforms only)
- display contents of a SAS/EIS metabase or SAS/EIS application database
- display the following catalog entries
- OUTPUT entries
- LOG entries
- SOURCE entries
- SCL code
- GRSEG entries
- IMAGE entries
- FORMAT (character, numeric and picture) entries.