What's New in the MDDB Report Viewer
Release 8.2
February 2001
This release of MDDB Report Viewer includes the following new features:
- The ability to display statistics per analysis variables.
- The ability to specify the number of rows displayed, then page through the
remaining rows.
- The ability to sort by a variety of variables.
- The ability to run the MDDB Report Viewer without HTML frames.
- The ability to modify and customize the HTML output using new options.
In addition, the Layout page has been redesigned.
Version 8
March 9, 2000
The production release of MDDB Report Viewer, Version 8, is
now available. Please see the Requirements page for software requirements.
- Full support for the SAS/EIS Software Access Control system features. For more
information on the features that are available, see the online Help or the
SAS/EIS Software Administrator's Guide.
- SAS OLAP Server software is available with the Version 8, OS/390 release.
Version 8 experimental
November 11, 1999
This experimental release of MDDB Report Viewer, Version 8 is now
available, and it includes the following new features.
- Partial support for the SAS/EIS Software Access Control system features. For more
information on the features that are available, see the online Help or the
SAS/EIS Software Administrator's Guide.
- Long-name and mixed-case support for data sources and columns.
Specifically, the rules for SAS names have been expanded to provide more functionality.
Some SAS names, such as DATA step variables, members of SAS data libraries,
and catalog entries, can be up to 32 bytes long. A variable name can be
mixed case.