SAS BI Package Libraries
SAS Java Components
The library consists of JSP/servlet-based visual components and graph components, Swing-based visual components and graph components, models for accessing relational data via JDBC and InformationMaps, models for accessing OLAP data via InformationMaps, and various utility classes.
SAS Foundation Services
This package library contains API documentation for classes and interfaces relating to the following Foundation Services: Connection, Discovery, Event, EventBroker, EventBrokerDiscovery, Information, Logging, Publish, Security, Session, Stored Process, User, Web DAV. Includes IOM/CORBA.
SAS Information Delivery Portal
This library provides support for building portlets suitable for display in the Information Delivery Portal.
SAS Java Metadata Interface
SAS Java Metadata Interface is a set of Java classes and interfaces that allow the use of the SAS Metadata Server from a Java client.
SAS Query Services
Provides an API that enables an application to present information in business terms rather than database schema terms and to create queries to retrieve the underlying physical data.