Uses of Class

Packages that use FunctionNameID Provides utility classes and methods that are used to read information maps and retrieve filter values. Provides specific information (via a ServerProperties object) about the capabilities of the server, such as operators and recognized functions. 

Uses of FunctionNameID in

Methods in with parameters of type FunctionNameID
static boolean DataRetrievalUtil.isValidROLAPAggregation(FunctionNameID functionNameID)
          Tests if the function with the given name may be used as an aggregation for ROLAP.

Uses of FunctionNameID in

Fields in declared as FunctionNameID
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.ADDITION
          Name ID for the ADDITION Operation (x)+(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.AND
          Name ID for the AND Boolean Operation (x) AND (y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.AVG
          Name ID for the Function AVG(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.AVG_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function AVG_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.BETWEEN
          Name ID for the Function BETWEEN (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.CASE_SEARCH
          Name ID for the Function CASE WHEN {0} THEN {1} END
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.CASE_SIMPLE
          Name ID for the Function CASE {0} WHEN {1} THEN {2} END
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.CASE_WHENTHEN
          Name ID for the Function CASE extra clauses of WHEN {0} THEN {1}
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.CONCATENATION
          Name ID for the CONCATENATION Operation "x"||"y"
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.CONTAINS
          Name ID for the Function CONTAINS (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.COUNT
          Name ID for the Function COUNT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.COUNT_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function COUNT_DISTRINT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.COUNT_PLUS_NMISS
          Name ID for the Function COUNT_PLUS_NMISS(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.COUNT_PLUS_NMISS_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function COUNT_PLUS_NMISS_DISTINCT (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.COUNT_STAR
          Name ID for the Function COUNT(*)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.CSS
          Name ID for the Function CSS(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.CSS_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function CSS_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.CV
          Name ID for the Function CV(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.CV_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function CV_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.DATE
          Name ID for the Function DATE (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.DATE_PART
          Name ID for the Function DATE_PART (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.DATE_TIME
          Name ID for the Function DATA_TIME (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.DAY
          Name ID for the Function DAY (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.DIVISION
          Name ID for the DIVISION Operation (x)/(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.EQUALS
          Name ID for the EQUALS Comparison Operation (x)=(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.EQUALS_TRUNC
          Name ID for the EQUALS Comparison Operation (x)=(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.EXPONENTIATION
          Name ID for the EXPONENTIATION Operation (x)**(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.FREQ
          Name ID for the Function FREQ(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.FREQ_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function FREQ_DISTRINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.GREATER_THAN
          Name ID for the GREATER_THAN Comparison Operation (x)>(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS
          Name ID for the GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS Comparison Operation
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS_TRUNC
          Name ID for the GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS Comparison Operation
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.GREATER_THAN_TRUNC
          Name ID for the GREATER_THAN Comparison Operation (x)>(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.IN
          Name ID for the Function IN (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.INPUT
          Name ID for the Function INPUT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.INPUT_Q
          Name ID for the Function INPUT(column-name,
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.INTERNAL_AGGREGATION
          Name ID for the Function INTERNAL_AGGREGATION (column-name)
          Name ID for the Function INTERNAL_AGGREGATION_ADDITIVE (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.IS_MISSING
          Name ID for the IS_MISSING Comparison Operation
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.IS_NOT_MISSING
          Name ID for the IS_NOT_MISSING Comparison Operation
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.IS_NOT_NULL
          Name ID for the IS_NOT_NULL Comparison Operation
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.IS_NULL
          Name ID for the Function IS_NULL (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.LEFT
          Name ID for the Function LEFT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.LENGTH
          Name ID for the Function LENGTH(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.LESS_THAN
          Name ID for the LESS_THAN Comparison Operation (x)<(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS
          Name ID for the LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS Comparison Operation (x)<=(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS_TRUNC
          Name ID for the LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS Comparison Operation (x)<=(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.LESS_THAN_TRUNC
          Name ID for the LESS_THAN Comparison Operation (x)<(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.LIKE
          Name ID for the Function LIKE (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.LIKE_ESC
          Name ID for the LIKE_ESC Comparison Operation
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.LOWCASE
          Name ID for the Function LOWCASE (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.MAX
          Name ID for the Function MAX(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.MAX_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function MAX(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.MEAN
          Name ID for the Function MEAN(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.MEAN_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function MEAN_DISTRINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.MIN
          Name ID for the Function MIN(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.MIN_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function MIN(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.MONTH
          Name ID for the Function MONTH (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.MULTIPLICATION
          Name ID for the MULTIPLICATION Operation (x)*(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.N
          Name ID for the Function N(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.N_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function N_DISTRINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NEGATION
          Name ID for the NEGATION Operation -(x)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NMISS
          Name ID for the Function NMISS(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NMISS_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function NMISS_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NOT
          Name ID for the NOT Boolean Operation NOT (x)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NOT_BETWEEN
          Name ID for the Function NOT_BETWEEN (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NOT_CONTAINS
          Name ID for the Function NOT_CONTAINS (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NOT_EQUALS
          Name ID for the NOT_EQUALS Comparison Operation (x)<>(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NOT_EQUALS_TRUNC
          Name ID for the NOT_EQUALS Comparison Operation (x)<>(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NOT_IN
          Name ID for the Function NOT_IN(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NOT_LIKE
          Name ID for the NOT_LIKE Comparison Operation
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.NOT_LIKE_ESC
          Name ID for the NOT_LIKE_ESC Comparison Operation
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.OR
          Name ID for the OR Boolean Operation (x) OR (y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.PARENTHESIS
          Name ID for the PARENTHESIS Operation '('(x)')'
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.POSTCOMMENT
          Name ID for the Post Comment Operation x '/''*' y '*''/'
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.POSTXMLCOMMENT
          Name ID for the Post Comment Operation x '<''!''
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.PRECOMMENT
          Name ID for the Pre Comment Operation '/''*' x '*''/' y
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.PREXMLCOMMENT
          Name ID for the Pre Comment Operation '<''!''
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.PRT
          Name ID for the Function PRT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.PRT_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function PRT_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.PUT
          Name ID for the Function PUT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.PUT_Q
          Name ID for the Function PUT(column-name,?
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.RANGE
          Name ID for the Function RANGE(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.RANGE_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function RANGE_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.RIGHT
          Name ID for the Function RIGHT (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.STD
          Name ID for the Function STD(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.STD_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function STD_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.STDERR
          Name ID for the Function STDERR(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.STDERR_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function STDERR_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.STRIP
          Name ID for the Function STRIP (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.SUBTRACTION
          Name ID for the SUBTRACTION Operation (x)-(y)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.SUM
          Name ID for the Function SUM(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.SUM_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function SUM_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.T
          Name ID for the Function NMISS(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.T_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function NMISS_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.TIME
          Name ID for the Function TIME_PART (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.TIME_PART
          Name ID for the Function TIME_PART (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.TODAY
          Name ID for the Function TODAY (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.TRIM
          Name ID for the Function TRIM (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.TRIM_N
          Name ID for the Function TRIM_N (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.UNITY
          Name ID for the UNITY Operation +(x)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.UPCASE
          Name ID for the Function UPCASE (column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.USER_FN
          Name ID for the User Defined Function - IQ INTERNAL USE ONLY
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.USER_FN_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the User Defined Function - IQ INTERNAL USE ONLY
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.USS
          Name ID for the Function NMISS(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.USS_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function NMISS_DISTINCT(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.VAR
          Name ID for the Function VAR(column-name)
static FunctionNameID FunctionNameID.VAR_DISTINCT
          Name ID for the Function NMISS_DISTINCT(column-name)

Methods in that return FunctionNameID
 FunctionNameID Function.getFunctionNameID()
          Return the associated FunctionNameID class for this function.

Methods in with parameters of type FunctionNameID
 Function ServerProperties.getFunctionByNameID(FunctionNameID fntID)
          Returns the Function for the given FunctionNameID object.

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