Uses of Class

Packages that use Category Provides specific information (via a ServerProperties object) about the capabilities of the server, such as operators and recognized functions. 

Uses of Category in

Fields in declared as Category
static Category Category.CAT_AGGREGATE
          Aggregating functions category
static Category Category.CAT_ALL
          All functions and operators category
static Category Category.CAT_COMPARISON
          Comparison operators category
static Category Category.CAT_CONDITIONAL
          Conditional operators category
static Category Category.CAT_COUNTING_AGGREGATE
          Counting aggregating functions category
static Category Category.CAT_FUNCTIONS
          Functions (but no operators) category
static Category Category.CAT_LANGUAGE_SYNTAX
          Language syntax operators category
static Category Category.CAT_LOGICAL
          Logical operators category
static Category Category.CAT_NONCOUNTING_AGGREGATE
          Noncounting aggregating functions
static Category Category.CAT_OPERATORS
          Operators category
static Category Category.CAT_SCALAR
          Scalar operators category

Methods in that return Category
static Category Category.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String str)
          Returns the object corresponding to the persistent form of the object's string
 Category Function.getCategory()
          Returns the category this function is "contained" within.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Category
 java.util.List<Category> ServerProperties.getCategories()
          Returns the list of categories that are defined.

Methods in with parameters of type Category
 int Category.compareTo(Category cat)
          Implementation of this method required by the Comparable interface that compares this type of object based on an internally represented form.
 java.util.List<Function> ServerProperties.getFunctions(Category category)
          Returns all the functions defined for the given category, including operators.
 java.util.List<Function> ServerProperties.getFunctions(Category category, ParameterType type)
          Returns all the functions defined for the given category and parameter type, including operators.
 java.util.List<Operator> ServerProperties.getOperators(Category category)
          Returns all the operators defined for the given category.
 boolean Function.isInCategory(Category cat)
          Returns whether this function is within the given category.

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