Uses of Interface

Packages that use IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface Provides utility classes and methods that are used to read information maps and retrieve filter values. Top-level package for SAS Query Services's three models, the business model, physical model, and expression model, which are all used in defining information maps and data selections. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface in

Fields in declared as IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface
protected  IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface IQDataServices._iqService
          The service used when getting metadata.

Methods in with parameters of type IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface
static IQDataServices IQDataServicesFactory.newService(IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface iqService)
          Deprecated. - use newService() instead
 void IQDataServices.setService(IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface iqService)
          Sets the service whenever a new IQDataServicesInterface is created by the factory.

Uses of IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface in

Methods in that return IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface
static IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceFactory.newService()
          Returns a new service.

Uses of IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface in

Methods in that return IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface
 IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface BusinessModel.getMetadataService()
          Returns the metadata service associated with this model.

Methods in with parameters of type IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelection( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service)
          Creates and returns an empty DataSelection based on *no* business model.
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelection( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, java.util.Locale dataLocale)
          IQ internal-use only -- do not use!
 DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelectionNonStatic( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service)
          Creates and returns an empty DataSelection based on *no* business model.
 DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.newDataSelectionNonStatic( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, java.util.Locale dataLocale)
          IQ internal-use only -- do not use!
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service)
          Returns a new InformationMap object using the default locale for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, BriefInformationMap briefMap)
          Returns a new instance of an InformationMap object model for the specified brief information map. InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, BriefInformationMap briefMap, settings)
          The general method to create a full information map from from a brief information map -- providing settings as input and a results object as output from which the information map can be obtained.
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, org.w3c.dom.Element xmlElement, java.lang.String repositoryName)
          Returns a new InformationMap object created from the XML element describing an information map as is persisted by its model.
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a new InformationMap object with the associated locale
 InformationMap InformationMapFactory.newInformationMap( session, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface service, pathToMap)
          Returns a new instance of an InformationMap object model for the information map located at the specified path.
static DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.readDataSelection(org.w3c.dom.Element dataSelectionElement, java.util.Map reuseBusinessModels, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface metadataService, session)
          Reads in a persisted form of a DataSelection from the given DOM element reusing any provided business models.
 DataSelection DataSelectionFactory.readDataSelectionNonStatic(org.w3c.dom.Element dataSelectionElement, java.util.Map reuseBusinessModels, IntelligentQueryMetadataServiceInterface metadataService, session)
          Reads in a persisted form of a DataSelection from the given DOM element reusing any provided business models.

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