Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelVersion The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of ModelVersion in

Fields in declared as ModelVersion
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.THIS_SOFTWARE_VERSION
          This is the version of SAS Query Services software that is reading or writing a model.
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_912
          The ModelVersion object associated with SAS release 9.1.2.
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_913
          The ModelVersion object associated with SAS release 9.1.3
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_913_2
          The ModelVersion object associated with SAS release 9.1.3 Service Pack 2
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_913_3
          The ModelVersion object associated with SAS release 9.1.3 Service Pack 3
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_913_4
          The ModelVersion object associated with SAS release 9.1.3 Service Pack 4
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_92
          The version associated with 9.2 written models.
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_92M3
          The version associated with 9.2M3 written models where we applied a new BusinessQueryTupleFilter step to our API.
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_93
          The version associated with 9.3 written models.
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_93a
          The version associated with 9.3 (but read compatible with 92) where we started supporting post-filters.
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_pre92a
          A version of our XML that existed for a very short period of time that we no longer support.
static ModelVersion ModelVersion.VERSION_pre92b
          A version associated with an interim version of our xml after 9.1.3 SP4.

Methods in that return ModelVersion
 ModelVersion Model.computeModelVersion()
          Deprecated. use the save options on the, String, Map) method
 ModelVersion Model.getLastPersistedModelVersion()
          Deprecated. use BriefInformationMap#getUsageVersion() on information maps

Methods in with parameters of type ModelVersion
 boolean ModelVersion.earlierThan(ModelVersion version)
          Returns true if this version is earlier than the given version, otherwise false.
 boolean ModelVersion.earlierThanOrSame(ModelVersion version)
          Returns true if this version is earlier than or the same as the given version, otherwise false.
 boolean ModelVersion.laterThan(ModelVersion version)
          Returns true if this version is later than the given version, otherwise false.
 boolean ModelVersion.laterThanOrSame(ModelVersion version)
          Returns true if this version is later than or the same as the given version, otherwise false.

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