Uses of Interface

Packages that use MapFolder The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. 

Uses of MapFolder in

Methods in that return MapFolder
 MapFolder BusinessModel.getMapFolderContaining(BusinessItem item)
          Returns the folder off of the root business model folder that contains the specified business item
 MapFolder MapFolder.getParent()
          Returns the parent MapFolder object to this folder.
 MapFolder BusinessModel.getRootMapFolder()
          Returns the root folder of the user-organized business items within this model.
 MapFolder MapFolder.getSubfolder(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the subfolder with the give name or null if no subfolder exist.
 MapFolder MapFolder.newSubfolder()
          Creates a new MapFolder object and places it into this MapFolder.

Methods in with parameters of type MapFolder
 void MapFolder.deleteSubfolder(MapFolder subfolder)
          Removes the specified subfolder.
 void MapFolder.moveTo(int index, MapFolder newParent)
          Re-order this MapFolder under the specified folder.
 void MapFolder.moveTo(MapFolder newParent)
          Re-parents this MapFolder under the specified folder.

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