***  This interface provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Interface SessionServiceInterface

All Superinterfaces:
com.sas.entities.EntityKeyInterface, QuiesceInterface, java.rmi.Remote, RemoteServiceInterface, ServiceNotificationBroadcasterInterface
All Known Implementing Classes:
SessionService, SessionServiceProxy

public interface SessionServiceInterface
extends RemoteServiceInterface, QuiesceInterface

The SessionServiceInterface provides a mechanism for creating and accessing session contexts. The session context provides a control structure for maintaining state within a bound session and facilitates resource management and context passing. It is a convenience container for passing multiple contexts.


Field Summary
static long serialVersionUID
          Deprecated. serialVersionUID will be deleted in a future release.
Fields inherited from interface com.sas.services.RemoteServiceInterface
Method Summary
 boolean destroySession(UserContextInterface userContext, java.lang.String sessionContextId)
          Forcibly destroys the session context identified by the session context id.
 void destroySessions(UserContextInterface userContext)
          Forces a destroy of all session contexts created by this Session Service.
 SessionContextInterface fromByteArray(byte[] data)
          Instantiate a SessionContext from a passivated byte array.
 SessionContextInterface getSessionContext(java.lang.String uniqueId)
          Obtains the session context interface identified by the unique identifer or null if no session context exists with this id.
 SessionContextInterface getSessionContext(UserContextInterface userContext, java.lang.String uniqueId)
          Obtains the session context interface identified by the unique identifer or null if no session context exists with this id.
 java.util.List getSummaryData(UserContextInterface userContext)
          Return summary information for all active session contexts created by this Session Service.
 boolean isQuiesced()
          Returns a flag indicating whether the Session Service is in a quiesce state or not.
 SessionContextInterface newSessionContext(UserContextInterface userContext)
          Creates and returns a new session context interface.
 void quiesce(UserContextInterface userContext)
          Quiesce the Session Service.
 void resume(UserContextInterface userContext)
          Resume the Session Service.
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.RemoteServiceInterface
configure, destroy, getCreationTime, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceProxy, getServiceState, isAccessibleToRemoteClients, isExported, reconfigure, setServiceState
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.mgmt.ServiceNotificationBroadcasterInterface
addServiceObserver, notifyServiceObservers, removeAllServiceObservers, removeServiceObserver

Field Detail


static final long serialVersionUID
Deprecated. serialVersionUID will be deleted in a future release.
Serial version ID.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


SessionContextInterface newSessionContext(UserContextInterface userContext)
                                          throws InitializationException,
Creates and returns a new session context interface. The user context to bind to the session context can be provided. If a null user context is provided, it can be set at a later time. Once the user context has been set to a non-null value, it cannot be changed.

The creation will fail if the session service is in a quiesce state. If a quiesce state failure occurs, the InitializationException.getRootException will return a QuiesceException.

userContext - User context for this session context; can be null.
SessionContextInterface The created session context interface.
InitializationException - If the context fails to initialize.
java.rmi.RemoteException - If a network anomaly is encountered.


SessionContextInterface getSessionContext(java.lang.String uniqueId)
                                          throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Obtains the session context interface identified by the unique identifer or null if no session context exists with this id. The unique identifier is required to identify the desired context so that applications don't have access to all session contexts. This method is protected using JAAS permissions. A SessionContextPermissionis required to obtain the session context from the Session Service.

uniqueId - Unique identifier of the session context to be returned.
SessionContextInterface The session context interface.
java.rmi.RemoteException - If a network anomaly is encountered.


SessionContextInterface getSessionContext(UserContextInterface userContext,
                                          java.lang.String uniqueId)
                                          throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Obtains the session context interface identified by the unique identifer or null if no session context exists with this id. The unique identifier is required to identify the desired context so that applications don't have access to all session contexts. This method is protected using JAAS permissions. A SessionContextPermissionis required to obtain the session context from the Session Service.

userContext - A user context whose principals will be checked for permission to perform the getSessionContext function. This can be null, but if the method is invoked remotely, it will always fail with a null user context.
uniqueId - Unique identifier of the session context to be returned.
SessionContextInterface The session context interface.
java.rmi.RemoteException - If a network anomaly is encountered.


void quiesce(UserContextInterface userContext)
             throws ServiceException,
Quiesce the Session Service. This will prevent the Session Service from creating any new session contexts.

This method is protected using JAAS permissions. A SessionPermissionis required to quiesce the Session Service.

Specified by:
quiesce in interface QuiesceInterface
userContext - The user context.
ServiceException - If a service error occurs.
QuiesceException - If an error occurs quiescing the service.
java.rmi.RemoteException - If a network anomaly is encountered.


void resume(UserContextInterface userContext)
            throws ServiceException,
Resume the Session Service. This should be called after the Session Service has been quiesced, to allow the Session Service to start creating new session contexts again.

This method is protected using JAAS permissions. A SessionPermissionis required to resume the Session Service.

Specified by:
resume in interface QuiesceInterface
userContext - The user context.
ServiceException - If a service error occurs.
QuiesceException - If an error occurs resuming the service.
java.rmi.RemoteException - If a network anomaly is encountered.


void destroySessions(UserContextInterface userContext)
                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Forces a destroy of all session contexts created by this Session Service. The session contexts will be destroyed even if they are locked. The Session Service itself is not destroyed, The root session context is not destroyed. The root session context is created when the Session Service is initialized, and is available throughout the life time of the Session Service. It is not destroyed until the Session Service itself is destroyed.

This method is protected using JAAS permissions. A SessionPermissionis required to destroy the active session contexts.

userContext - The user context.
java.rmi.RemoteException - If a network anomaly is encountered.


boolean destroySession(UserContextInterface userContext,
                       java.lang.String sessionContextId)
                       throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Forcibly destroys the session context identified by the session context id. The session context will be destroyed even if is locked.

This method is protected using JAAS permissions. A SessionPermissionis required to destroy the active session context.

userContext - The user context.
sessionContextId - The unique identifier of the session context to destroy.
boolean that is false if the session context identified by the unique id could not be found; otherwise true is returned.
java.rmi.RemoteException - If a network anomaly is encountered.


java.util.List getSummaryData(UserContextInterface userContext)
                              throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Return summary information for all active session contexts created by this Session Service. Each session context can be bound to a user context. The summary data for each active session contains information such as the user context name, the user's email addresses, and the user's global profile.

This method is protected using JAAS permissions. A SessionPermissionis required to retrieve the user summary data.

userContext - The user context.
List A list of SummaryDataInterface objects.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a network error occurs


boolean isQuiesced()
                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Returns a flag indicating whether the Session Service is in a quiesce state or not.

<true if the Session Service is in a quiesce state; otherwise false is returned.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a network error occurs.


SessionContextInterface fromByteArray(byte[] data)
                                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Instantiate a SessionContext from a passivated byte array. The first item in the passivated stream is the session ID. If that session ID is one this session service has in its known list, get it and return it.

data - The passivated data stream.
The instantiated Session Context
java.rmi.RemoteException - In the event of remote object failure.
ServiceException - If an error occurs processing the data.

***  This interface provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

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