Uses of Interface

Packages that use HTMLFileInterface Publish services. 

Uses of HTMLFileInterface in

Methods in that return HTMLFileInterface
 HTMLFileInterface[] HTMLEntryInterface.getCompanionFiles()
          Returns an array of all companion files included in this HTML entry.
 HTMLFileInterface[] HTMLEntry.getCompanionFiles()
          Returns an array of all companion files included in this HTML entry.
 HTMLFileInterface HTMLEntryInterface.getFile()
          Returns the main file for this HTML entry.
 HTMLFileInterface HTMLEntry.getFile()
          Returns the main file for this HTML entry.
 HTMLFileInterface HTMLEntryInterface.getFile(java.lang.String uniqueId)
          Returns the file identified by the entity key.
 HTMLFileInterface HTMLEntry.getFile(java.lang.String uniqueId)
          Returns the file identified by the entity key.

Methods in with parameters of type HTMLFileInterface
 void HTMLEntryInterface.addCompanionFile(HTMLFileInterface companion)
          Adds a companion to file to the HTML entry.
 void HTMLEntry.addCompanionFile(HTMLFileInterface companion)
          Adds a companion to file to the HTML entry.
 void HTMLEntryInterface.setCompanionFiles(HTMLFileInterface[] companions)
          Sets the companion to files for this HTML entry.
 void HTMLEntry.setCompanionFiles(HTMLFileInterface[] companions)
          Sets the companion to files for this HTML entry.
 void HTMLEntryInterface.setFile(HTMLFileInterface mainFile)
          Sets the main file for this HTML entry.
 void HTMLEntry.setFile(HTMLFileInterface mainFile)
          Sets the main file for this HTML entry.

Constructors in with parameters of type HTMLFileInterface
HTMLEntry(HTMLFileInterface main, HTMLFileInterface[] companions)
          Constructs an instance which will export a remote object using RMI socket factories associated with HTMLEntry.class for the specified HTML file and companions.
HTMLEntry(HTMLFileInterface main, HTMLFileInterface[] companions)
          Constructs an instance which will export a remote object using RMI socket factories associated with HTMLEntry.class for the specified HTML file and companions.

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