***  This package contains classes that provide Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

Package com.sas.services.deployment.ioc

This subsystem provides a utility to create and customize a deployment descriptor file for inversion of control containers.


Class Summary
DeploymentContextFactory Factory used to create a DeploymentDescriptorContext which may be used to define a descriptor for foundation services which are to be deployed in a particular type of container.
OMRDeploymentContext Context that describes how to query SAS Foundation Services metadata that is persisted in a SAS Metadata Repository.
URLDeploymentContext Context used to describes how to query SAS Foundation Services metadata using a URL that references a services deployment file that has been exported from a SAS Metadata Server.

Package com.sas.services.deployment.ioc Description

This subsystem provides a utility to create and customize a deployment descriptor file for inversion of control containers.


SAS Foundation Services which are configured to be accessed locally within a JVM may be deployed in the following inversion of control containers:

Create a Deployment Configuration

The Foundation Services Manager plug-in to the SAS Management Console provides a capability to export a services deployment to a container deployment file. If the deployment contains a service which can be accessed by a remote client, then a client deployment file will also be created.

Export services deployment to a container deployment file.

A wizard will prompt one to specify the following information.

  1. which services are to be deployed
  2. source from which services configuration data is to be queried
  3. the output file

Reconfigure a Deployment Configuration

The utility provides a capability to reconfigure a container deployment file using a properties file that contains the name of a configuration property and the value that is to be substituted.

Deploying Beans in a Spring Framework container

To deploy services in a Spring Framework container, one must:

  1. install the spring-beans.xml file
  2. deploy the beans using the container

The following code example shows how an application can deploy services beans in a Spring Framework container.

Code Example: Deploy Services in a Spring Framework container
   package com.sas.xxx;
   import org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext;
   import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
   import com.sas.services.discovery.DiscoveryService;
   import com.sas.services.discovery.ServiceTemplate;
   import com.sas.services.information.InformationServiceInterface;
    * Deploy foundation services defined in a beans file located in this package.
    * @param args
    *        The first argument specifies the name of the beans .xml file,
    *        located in package com.sas.xx of this .jar,
    *        that is to be deployed in the container.
   pulic void test (String[] args) {
      // bootstrap the container
      String beansFile = args[0];
      FindServiceInterface discoveryService = deployServices(beansFile);
      if (discoveryService != null) {
         // use services which were deployed as beans within the container
    * Deploy foundation services defined in a beans file located in this package.
    * @param beansFile 
    *        Name of the beans .xml file,
    *        located in package com.sas.xx of this .jar,
    *        that is to be deployed in the container.
    * @return Discovery service which was deployed by the container.
   public FindServiceInterface deployServices (String beansFile) {
       FindServiceInterface discoveryService = null;
       // define an application context for a beans file which is located
       // in the same place as this class
       AbstractApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
       String beanName = DiscoveryService.class.getName();
       if (ctx.containsBean(beanName)) {
          discoveryService = DiscoveryServiceInterface discoverySvc = (DiscoveryServiceInterface) 
       return discoveryService;
     * Use the discovery service to locate other services.
     * @param discoveryService
     *        Discovery service which can be used to locate other services by type.
    public void useDeployedServices (FindServiceInterface discoveryService) {
       // you can now use the local DiscoveryService to locate
       // any services which were deployed in the container
       // (e.g. find the Information Service)
       ServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = new ServiceTemplate(
          new class[] {
       InformationServiceInterface informationService =
          (InformationServiceInterface) discoveryService.findService(


***  This package contains classes that provide Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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