Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceLookupFailedException This subsystem provides utilities to deploy and lookup SAS Foundation Services. 

Uses of ServiceLookupFailedException in

Methods in that throw ServiceLookupFailedException
static java.util.List ServiceLoader.lookupRemoteDiscoveryServices(MetadataSourceInterface metadataSource)
          Gets a set of DeployableService elements representing remote discovery services that may be available if previously deployed by foundation bootstrap process and binds them to the local discovery service.
static java.util.List ServiceLoader.lookupRemoteDiscoveryServices(MetadataSourceInterface metadataSource, DiscoveryServiceInterface discoveryService)
          Gets a set of DeployableService elements representing remote discovery services that may be available if previously deployed by foundation bootstrap process.
static java.util.List ServiceLoader.lookupRemoteDiscoveryServices(MetadataSourceInterface metadataSourceLookup, DiscoveryServiceInterface discoveryService, LookupPolicyInterface lookupPolicy)
          Gets a set of DeployableService elements representing remote discovery services that may be available if previously deployed by foundation bootstrap process.
static void PlatformServices.lookupRemoteServices()
          Lookup remote foundation discovery services using the deployments specified in the configuration file.
static void CorePlatformServices.lookupRemoteServices()
          Locates any services defined for remote lookup by delegating the request to the PlatformServices.lookupRemoteServices() and then re-initializing handles to core platform services abstracted by this class.
static void PlatformServices.startServices()
          Starts foundation services using the deployments specified in the configuration file.
static void CorePlatformServices.startServices()
          Starts/looks up services by delegating the request to the PlatformServices.startServices() and then re-initializing handles to core platform services abstracted by this class.

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