***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Class DeployableServiceFactory


public final class DeployableServiceFactory

Factory used to manufacture a deployable service from a ServiceComponent.


Method Summary
static DeployableService getDeployableService(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent, java.lang.String[] requiredServiceTypes, com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent)
          Gets a deployable service from the service component.
static DeployableService getDeployableService(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent, java.lang.String[] requiredServiceTypes, com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent, MetadataSourceInterface metadataSource)
          Gets a deployable service from the service component.
static DeployableService getDeployableService(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent, java.lang.String[] requiredServiceTypes, com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent, MetadataSourceInterface metadataSource, Environment environment)
          Gets a deployable service from the service component.
static ServiceConfigurationInterface getServiceConfiguration(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger)
          Creates a service configuration for the specified service.
static ServiceConfigurationInterface getServiceConfiguration(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, Environment environment)
          Creates a service configuration for the specified service.

Method Detail


public static DeployableService getDeployableService(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent,
                                                     java.lang.String[] requiredServiceTypes,
                                                     com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent)
                                              throws ServiceException
Gets a deployable service from the service component.

Default RMI client/server socket factories will be used if this service is configured to be remotely accessed.

serviceComponent - Deployed component from metadata source.
requiredServiceTypes - Desired service types.
softwareComponent - The SoftwareComponent representing the service deployment associated with this ServiceComponent.
Deployable service.
ServiceException - if unable to obtain a deployable service.


public static DeployableService getDeployableService(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent,
                                                     java.lang.String[] requiredServiceTypes,
                                                     com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent,
                                                     MetadataSourceInterface metadataSource)
                                              throws ServiceException
Gets a deployable service from the service component.

Default RMI client/server socket factories will be used if this service is configured to be remotely accessed.

serviceComponent - Deployed component from metadata source.
requiredServiceTypes - Desired service types.
softwareComponent - The SoftwareComponent representing the service deployment associated with this ServiceComponent.
metadataSource - Metadata source which may define the RMI client/server socket factories to be used to export remote objects.
Deployable service.
ServiceException - if unable to obtain a deployable service.


public static DeployableService getDeployableService(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent,
                                                     java.lang.String[] requiredServiceTypes,
                                                     com.sas.metadata.remote.SoftwareComponent softwareComponent,
                                                     MetadataSourceInterface metadataSource,
                                                     Environment environment)
                                              throws ServiceException
Gets a deployable service from the service component.

serviceComponent - Deployed component from metadata source.
requiredServiceTypes - Desired service types.
softwareComponent - The SoftwareComponent representing the service deployment associated with this ServiceComponent.
metadataSource - Metadata source which may define the RMI client/server socket factories to be used to export remote objects.
environment - The Environment object encapsulates resources provided by the container. It is made available to the services as they are deployed.
Deployable service.
ServiceException - if unable to obtain a deployable service.


public static ServiceConfigurationInterface getServiceConfiguration(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent,
                                                                    org.apache.log4j.Logger logger)
                                                             throws ServiceException
Creates a service configuration for the specified service.

serviceComponent - Service component for which a service configuration is to be created.
logger - Logger or null if logging is not desired.
Service configuration for the service component.
ServiceException - if unable to create a service configuration.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid parameter is specified.


public static ServiceConfigurationInterface getServiceConfiguration(com.sas.metadata.remote.ServiceComponent serviceComponent,
                                                                    org.apache.log4j.Logger logger,
                                                                    Environment environment)
                                                             throws ServiceException
Creates a service configuration for the specified service.

serviceComponent - Service component for which a service configuration is to be created.
logger - Logger or null if logging is not desired.
environment - The Environment object encapsulates resources provided by the container. It is made available to the services as they are deployed.
Service configuration for the service component.
ServiceException - if unable to create a service configuration.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid parameter is specified.

***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

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