***  This package contains classes that provide Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

Package com.sas.services.connection.omr

Provides a connection factory configuation for use with a SAS Metadata Server.


Class Summary
OMRConnectionFactoryConfiguration A connection factory configuration that describes a server or a pool of servers to connect to using meta data in an OMR server.

Package com.sas.services.connection.omr Description

Provides a connection factory configuation for use with a SAS Metadata Server.

Connection Factory Configuation using SAS Metadata Server

Metadata accessed through the SAS Metadata Server is expected to be stored in a SAS Metadata Repository using the SAS Management Console tool. IOM servers and logins defined this way are always wrapped with a LogicalServer metadata object, and they may be identified in a connection factory configuration using the name or fully-qualified ID of the LogicalServer metadata object or using a live connection to the LogicalServer metadata object itself.

The following code fragment demonstrates connection factory configuration using SAS Metadata Server.

 String classID = Server.CLSID_SASOMI;
 String host = "metadata.abc.com";
 int port = "1234";
 String userName = "admin";
 String password = "admin1";
 Server metadataServer = new BridgeServer(classID,host,port);
 ConnectionFactoryConfiguration metadataConfig = new ManualConnectionFactoryConfiguration(metadataServer);
 ConnectionFactoryInterface cxf = ConnectionFactoryManager.getConnectionFactory(metadataConfig);
 ConnectionInterface cx = cxf.getConnection(userName,password);
 org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = cx.getObject();
 IOMI iOMI = IOMIHelper.narrow(obj);
 String repositoryID = "A0000001.A1234567";
 String logicalServerName = "myServer";
 ConnectionFactoryConfiguration cxfConfig = new OMRConnectionFactoryConfiguration(iOMI,repositoryID,logicalServerName);

***  This package contains classes that provide Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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