Uses of Class

Packages that use RIOException The SAS IOM Driver for JDBC 

Uses of RIOException in

Methods in that throw RIOException
 void MVAStatement.createTable(java.lang.String libref, java.lang.String tableName, Column[] columnObject, java.lang.String options)
          RIO Creates a new table with the name specified in the tableName String.
 void MVAStatement.deleteTable(java.lang.String libref, java.lang.String tableName)
          Deletes the table with the name specified in the tableName String.
 void MVAStatement.deleteTable(java.lang.String libref, java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String tableType, java.lang.String alterPassword)
          RIO Deletes the table for the specified tableType with the name specified in the tableName String.
 MVAResultSet Options.getByGroup()
          Gets an MVAResultSet object containing rows of a by-group.
 java.lang.String Options.getByStatement()
          Gets the SAS BY statement text.
 int Column.getColumnFormatDecimal()
          Gets the format decimal of the column.
 int MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnFormatDecimal(int columnIndex)
          RIO Gets the format decimal of the column.
 int[] MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnFormatDecimals()
          RIO Gets the format lengths of the columns in the ResultSet.
 int Column.getColumnFormatLength()
          Gets the format length of the column.
 int MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnFormatLength(int columnIndex)
          RIO Gets the format length of the column.
 int[] MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnFormatLengths()
          RIO Gets the format lengths of the columns in the ResultSet.
 java.lang.String Column.getColumnFormatName()
          Gets the format name of the column.
 java.lang.String MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnFormatName(int columnIndex)
          RIO Gets the format name of the column.
 java.lang.String[] MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnFormatNames()
          RIO Gets the format names of the columns in the ResultSet.
 int Column.getColumnFormatWidth()
          Gets the format width of the column.
 int MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnFormatWidth(int columnIndex)
          RIO Gets the format width of the column.
 int[] MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnFormatWidths()
          RIO Gets the format widths of the columns in the ResultSet.
 int Column.getColumnInformatDecimal()
          Gets the informat decimal of the column.
 int MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnInformatDecimal(int columnIndex)
          RIO Gets the informat decimal of the column.
 int[] MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnInformatDecimals()
          RIO Gets the informat decimals of the columns in the ResultSet.
 int Column.getColumnInformatLength()
          Gets the informat length of the column.
 int MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnInformatLength(int columnIndex)
          RIO Gets the informat length of the column.
 int[] MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnInformatLengths()
          RIO Gets the informat lengths of the columns in the ResultSet.
 java.lang.String Column.getColumnInformatName()
          Gets the informat name of the column.
 java.lang.String MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnInformatName(int columnIndex)
          RIO Gets the informat name of the column.
 java.lang.String[] MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnInformatNames()
          RIO Gets the informat names of the columns in the ResultSet.
 int Column.getColumnInformatWidth()
          Gets the informat width of the column.
 int MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnInformatWidth(int columnIndex)
          RIO Gets the informat width of the column.
 int[] MVAResultSetMetaData.getColumnInformatWidths()
          RIO Gets the informat widths of the columns in the ResultSet.
 java.lang.String Column.getColumnLabel()
          Gets the label of the column.
 java.lang.String Column.getColumnName()
          Gets the name of the column.
 int Column.getColumnType()
          Gets the SQL type of the column.
 java.lang.String Column.getColumnTypeName()
          Gets the SQL type name of the column.
 int Column.getMaxLength()
          Gets the length of the column.
 java.lang.String Options.getOptions()
          Gets the options text.
 java.lang.String Options.getOrderByStatement()
          Gets the ORDER BY statement text.
 java.lang.String Options.getWhereClause()
          Gets the Where clause statement text.
 void Options.setByStatement(java.lang.String text, boolean appendFlag)
          Sets BY statement text.
 void Column.setColumnFormatDecimal(int formatDecimal)
          Sets the format decimal of the column.
 void Column.setColumnFormatLength(int formatLength)
          Sets the format length of the column.
 void Column.setColumnFormatName(java.lang.String formatName)
          Sets the format name of the column.
 void Column.setColumnFormatWidth(int formatWidth)
          Sets the format width of the column.
 void Column.setColumnInformatDecimal(int informatDecimal)
          Sets the informat decimal of the column.
 void Column.setColumnInformatLength(int informatLength)
          Sets the informat length of the column.
 void Column.setColumnInformatName(java.lang.String informatName)
          Sets the informat name of the column.
 void Column.setColumnInformatWidth(int informatWidth)
          Sets the informat width of the column.
 void Column.setColumnLabel(java.lang.String columnLabel)
          Sets the label of the column.
 void Column.setColumnName(java.lang.String columnName)
          Sets the name of the column.
 void Column.setColumnType(int columnType)
          Sets the SQL type of the column.
 void Column.setMaxLength(int maxLength)
          Sets the maximum length of the column.
 void Options.setOptions(java.lang.String text, boolean appendFlag)
          Sets options string to be passed in while creating a table.
 void Options.setOrderByStatement(java.lang.String text, boolean appendFlag)
          Sets ORDER BY statement text.
 void Options.setWhereClause(java.lang.String text, boolean appendFlag)
          Sets WHERE clause text.

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