***  This interface provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Interface RemoteObjectExporterInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRemoteObjectExporter, ActivatableExporter, UnicastRemoteObjectExporter

public interface RemoteObjectExporterInterface

Interface designating methods associated with exporting/unexporting a remote object to the RMI system. Exporting a remote object to the RMI system makes it available to service incoming calls.


Method Summary
 java.rmi.Remote exportObject()
          Exports the remotable object to the RMI system.
 java.rmi.Remote getExportedRemoteObjectStub()
          Gets the remote object's stub that has been exported to the RMI system.
 boolean isExported()
          Determines whether or not a remote object is currently exported to the RMI system.
 boolean unexportObject()
          Removes the remote object from the RMI runtime.

Method Detail


java.rmi.Remote exportObject()
                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Exports the remotable object to the RMI system.

Use unexportObject() to remove a remote object from the RMI system when it is no longer needed.

Remote object stub created by the export process. The stub will always be non- null.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if unable to export a remote object to the RMI system.
See Also:
unexportObject(), isExported(), getExportedRemoteObjectStub()


boolean unexportObject()
                       throws java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException
Removes the remote object from the RMI runtime. If successful, the object can no longer accept incoming RMI calls.

This method may be called to unexport a remote object which has been previously exported to the RMI system using exportObject().

true if the remote object was successfully removed from the RMI system.
java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException - if unable to unexport the remotable object because the remote object is not currently exported to the RMI system.
See Also:
exportObject(), isExported()


boolean isExported()
Determines whether or not a remote object is currently exported to the RMI system.

Use getExportedRemoteObjectStub() to obtain the remote object which has been exported to the RMI system if this method returns true.

This method may also be used by resource cleanup logic to determine whether or not a remote object has been exported and needs to be unexported from the RMI system.

true if the remotable object is currently exported.
See Also:
exportObject(), unexportObject(), getExportedRemoteObjectStub()


java.rmi.Remote getExportedRemoteObjectStub()
Gets the remote object's stub that has been exported to the RMI system.

Use isExported() to determine whether or not a remote object is currently exported to the RMI system.

Exported remote object or null if a remote object is not currently exported.
See Also:
exportObject(), isExported()

***  This interface provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

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