Uses of Class

Packages that use WorkspaceFactoryException The Java Workspace Factory and I/O Stream helper classes. 

Uses of WorkspaceFactoryException in

Methods in that throw WorkspaceFactoryException WorkspaceFactory.createWorkspaceByLogicalName(java.lang.String logicalName, java.lang.String sasReferenceDN, java.lang.String protocol, java.lang.String ldapProviderUrl, java.util.Properties ldapProperties)
          Creates a new connection to a workspace object using LDAP information. WorkspaceFactory.createWorkspaceByServer(java.util.Properties serverInfo)
          Creates a new IWorkspace object based on Server definitions.
 void WorkspaceFactory.destroy()
          Immediately disconnects all live connections to remote workspace object including allocated connections and connections in progress.
 void WorkspaceFactory.destroy(java.lang.String adminDN, java.lang.String adminPassword)
          Immediately disconnects all live connections to remote workspace object including allocated connections and connections in progress.
 java.util.Properties[] WorkspaceFactory.getServersByLogicalName(java.lang.String logicalName, java.lang.String protocol, java.lang.String ldapProviderUrl, java.util.Properties ldapProperties)
          Gets a list of server definitions matching the logicalName.
 WorkspaceConnector WorkspaceFactory.getWorkspaceConnector(long waitMilliseconds)
          Allocates a connection from an ad hoc pool or a JNDI pool with user authorization turned off.
 WorkspaceConnector WorkspaceFactory.getWorkspaceConnector(java.lang.String userDN, java.lang.String userPassword, long waitMilliseconds)
          Allocates a connection from a JNDI pool with user authorization turned on.
static WorkspaceConnector WorkspaceFactory.getWorkspaceConnectorByUUID(java.lang.String userDN, java.lang.String userPassword, java.lang.String uuid)
          Returns a reference to a previously created workspace connector that encapsulates a workspace object with the given UUID.
 void WorkspaceFactory.shutdown()
          Disconnects all unallocated live connections to remote workspace objects.
 void WorkspaceFactory.shutdown(java.lang.String adminDN, java.lang.String adminPassword)
          Disconnects all unallocated live connections to remote workspace objects.

Constructors in that throw WorkspaceFactoryException
WorkspaceFactory(java.lang.Object jndiInformation, java.lang.String baseDN, java.lang.String logicalName, boolean userAuthorizationRequired, boolean adminAuthorizationRequired, logWriter)
          JNDI POOLING CONSTRUCTOR - constructs a factory that reads the information necessary to create a pool of live connections to remote workspace objects from a JNDI repository.
WorkspaceFactory(java.util.Properties[] connectionDescriptors, java.util.Properties poolParameters, logWriter)
          AD HOC POOLING CONSTRUCTOR - constructs a factory that uses the provided information to create a pool of live connections to remote workspace objects.

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